Peter Cameron's preprints |
Here you find links to lecture notes and miscellaneous writings.
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Not-so-recent preprints
(For recent preprints, follow the link above to the arXiv.)
- (Editor) Problems from BCC22
- Generating a group by a transversal
- The power graph of a finite group, II
- (with Robert F. Bailey) Base size, metric dimension and other invariants
of groups and graphs
- (with Shamik Ghosh) The power graph of a finite group
- (with T. Gateva-Ivanova) Multipermutation solutions of the
Yang–Baxter equation
(PDF from arXiv)
- (with R. A. Bailey) Combinatorics of optimal designs [draft of BCC paper]
- Decompositions of complete multipartite graphs
- Oligomorphic permutation groups
- (with Daniel Johannsen, Thomas Prellberg and Pascal Schweitzer)
Counting defective parking functions
- (with Ross Applegate) Orbits on n-tuples
- (with Priscila Kazanidis) Cores of symmetric graphs
- (with Sam Tarzi) Filters, topologies and groups from the random graph
- (with Robert F. Bailey) On the single-orbit conjecture for
- (with Sam Tarzi) On the automorphism group of the
m-coloured random graph
- (with Thomas Prellberg and Dudley Stark) Asymptotic enumeration of
2-covers and line graphs
- Root systems and optimal block designs
- Permutation codes (PDF)
- (edited) Problems from the Luminy conference on combinatorics,
geometry and computer science (PDF)
- A generalisation of t-designs
- (with R. A. Bailey) What is a design? How should we classify them?
- (with A. Rudvalis) A design and a geometry for the Fischer group
Fi22 (PDF)
- (with Christoph Buchheim and Taoyang Wu) On the subgroup distance problem
- (with D. Lockett) Posets, homomorphisms and homogeneity
- (with Leonard H. Soicher) Block intersection polynomials
- (with Sam Tarzi) Limits of cubes
- (with A. Montanaro, M. W. Newman, S. Severini and A. Winter)
On the quantum chromatic number of a graph
- (with Taoyang Wu) The complexity of the Weight Problem
for permutation and matrix groups
- (with M. Kang and D. Stark) Random preorders and alignments
- (with K. K. Kayibi) Orbital chromatic and flow roots
- (with R. A. Bailey and R. Connelly) Sudoku, gerechte designs,
resolutions, affine space, spreads, reguli, and Hamming codes
- (with J. Cilleruelo and O. Serra) On monochromatic solutions of
equations in groups
- (with T. Prellberg and D. Stark) Asymptotic enumeration of incidence
- (with T. Prellberg and D. Stark) Asymptotics for incidence matrix classes
- (with R. A. Bailey) A family of balanced incomplete-block designs with
repeated blocks on which general linear groups act
- Aspects of infinite permutation groups (lectures at Groups St Andrews 2005)
- (with Bill Jackson and Jason Rudd) Orbit-counting polynomials for graphs
and codes
- (with John Sheehan and Pablo Spiga) Semiregular automorphisms of
vertex-transitive cubic graphs
- (with Dudley Stark) Random preorders
- Embedding partial Steiner triple systems so that their automorphisms
extend (PDF)
- (with S. Akbari and G. B. Khosrovshahi) Ranks and signatures of
adjacency matrices
- Designs and
Gödel's Theorem, two articles in PDF
for Princeton Companion to Mathematics
- Finite geometry and permutation groups: some polynomial links
- The Rado graph and the Urysohn space
- (with A. M. Vershik) Some isometry groups of Urysohn space
- (with Pablo Spiga) Min-wise independent groups with respect to any linear
order (PDF)
- (with J. Nesetril) Homomorphism-homogeneous relational structures
- (with R. A. Bailey, Peter Dobcsányi, John P. Morgan
and Leonard H. Soicher), Designs on the Web
- (with A. E. Brouwer, W. H. Haemers and D. A. Preece) Self-dual, not
self-polar (PDF)
- (with Charles R. Johnson) The number of equivalence classes of symmetric
sign patterns (PDF)
- (with H. R. Maimani, G. R. Omidi and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie) 3-designs from
- (with Alexander W. Dent) Orbit-homogeneity
- (with Daniele A. Gewurz and Francesca Merola) Product action
- (with Sam Tarzi) Group actions on amorphous sets
- Topology in permutation groups
- Fixed points and cycles
(DVI or
- The random graph revisited
(DVI or
- Codes, matroids and trellises
(DVI or
Papers in electronic journals
(with T. Prellberg and D. Stark)
Asymptotics for incidence matrix classes,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
13 (2006), #R85 (19pp.)
(with G. R. Omidi and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie)
from PGL(2,q),
Electronic J. Combinatorics
13 (2006), #R50 (11pp.)
Homogeneous permutations,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
9(2) (2002), #R2 (9pp.)
- (with Dudley Stark)
A prolific
construction of graphs with the n-e.c. property,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
9(1) (2002), #R31 (12pp.)
- Cycle
index, weight enumerator and Tutte polynomial,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
9(1) (2002), #N2 (10pp.)
- Random strongly regular graphs?
Notes in Discrete Math. 10 (ed.
Jaroslav Nesetril, Marc Noy and Oriol Serra), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001
(with J. P. Bell, E. A. Bender and L. B. Richmond)
Asymptotics for the probability of connectedness and the
distribution of number of components,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
7(1) (2000), #R33.
(with L. Babai)
Automorphisms and enumeration of switching classes of tournaments,
Electronic J. Combinatorics
7(1) (2000), article #R38.
Sequences realized by oligomorphic permutation groups,
Journal of
Integer Sequences 3 (2000),
article 00.1.5(HTML).
Counting two-graphs related to trees,
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 (1995), #R4
(DVI or
Lecture Notes
Mathematical oddments
- Paul Erdős: a memoir
- Coherent configurations, association schemes, and permutation groups
- (with Anthony Bonato, Dejan Delic and Stéphan Thomassé)
Generalized pigeonhole properties of graphs and oriented graphs,
European Journal of Combinatorics 23 (2002), 257-274,
© 2002 Academic Press
(The journal is available from
- Permutation groups whose non-identity elements have k fixed points,
J. Group Theory 4 (2001), 45-51
(DVI or
- Homogeneous Cayley objects,
European Journal of Combinatorics 21 (2000), 745-760,
© 2000 Academic Press
(DVI or
PostScript) (The journal is available from
- (editor) Problems on discrete metric spaces,
European J. Combinatorics 21 (2000), 831-838,
© 2000 Academic Press
(DVI or
PostScript) (The journal is available from
- SGDs with 2-transitive automorphism groups,
J. Graph Theory 32 (1999), 229--233.
(DVI or
- An extremal problem related to biplanes,
Australasian J. Combinatorics 20 (1999), 97-100
(DVI or
Stories about groups and sequences,
Designs, Codes, Cryptography 8 (1996), 109-134
(DVI or
The algebra of an age, pp. 126-133 in Model Theory of Groups
and Automorphism Groups (ed. David M. Evans), London Mathematical
Society Lecture Notes 244, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
(DVI or
Finite geometry after Aschbacher's Theorem: PG(n,q) from a Kleinian
viewpoint, pp. 43-61 in Geometry, Combinatorial Designs and Related
Structures: Proceedings of the First Pythagorean Conference (ed.
J.W.P. Hirschfeld, S.S. Magliveras, M.J. de Resmini), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1997
(DVI or
- (with Csaba Szabó) Independence algebras,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 61 (2000), 321-334
(DVI or
- Some counting problems related to permutation groups,
Discrete Mathematics 225 (2000), 75-92
(DVI or
Peter J. Cameron
25 April 2012