Combinatorics Study Group: Past meetings
Thanks to Robin Whitty, Robert Bailey, and Michael Giudici for the lists for
2005 and earlier years. These lists are incomplete and not quite correct; any
further information is welcome!
Note: The School's new webpages automatically produce archives of
seminars. I will continue to maintain this page for the time being, but it
may lapse at some point.
- 11 January: Anthony Hilton, Hall's Theorem and extending Latinized
- 18 January: Peter Cameron,
Synchronizing non-uniform maps
(notes here)
- 25 January: Peter Cameron,
Finding a derangement
(notes here)
- 1 February: Murad Banaji (Portsmouth),
Matrix stability from bipartite graphs
(notes here)
- 8 February: Leonard Soicher, Optimal designs with minimum PV-abberration
- 15 February: Andrew Treglown, Yet another talk on perfect matchings in hypergraphs
- 22 February: No meeting (Combinatorial Probability and Statistical
Mechanics meeting)
- 1 March: no meeting (Mary Cartwright day at LMS)
- 8 March: no meeting
- 15 March at 4pm: Aylin Cakiroglu, Optimal regular-graph designs
- 22 March: Double-header
- 19 April: Tom Bohman (Carnegie Mellon University),
Cube packing problems and zero-error information theory
- 3 May: Jeroen Schillewaert (Imperial): Small maximal partial ovoids in generalized quadrangles
- 10 May: Mikhail Klin, Some new infinite families of non-Schurian
association schemes
- 17 May: Daniel Kral', Algorithms for first-order model checking
- 31 May: Michelle Kendall, Combinatorial aspects of key predistribution
schemes: designs, hypergraphs and expansion
- 27 September: Chris Dowden (Royal Holloway), Agreement protocols in the presence of a mobile adversary
- 4 October: Peter Cameron, A graph
covering problem
- 11 October: Stephen Tate (Warwick), Combinatorics in statistical mechanics
- 18 October: Alex Fink, Matroid polytope valuations
- 25 October: Peter Cameron, Combinatorial Yang–Baxter
- 1 November: John Sheehan, Even orientations of graphs
- 15 November: No meeting (LMS AGM)
- 22 November: Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College and Cambridge),
Combinatorial fixed point theorems
- 29 November: Heiko Grossmann, The distance between two strict weak orders
- 6 December: Dang Nhat Anh, Guessing game and fractional clique cover strategy
- 13 December: Peter Cameron, Robert Schumacher, Acyclic orientations and poly-Bernoulli numbers
- 13 January: Thomas Müller, Presentations associated with group
actions on sets
- 20 January: Peter Cameron, Small subsquares
of Latin squares
- 27 January: Olof Sisask, Arithmetic
progressions in sumsets via probability, geometry and analysis
- 3 February: Simeon Ball, Complete bipartite
Turán numbers
- 10 February: R. A. Bailey, The Levi graph and the concurrence graph
- 17 February: No meeting
- 24 February: Robert Johnson, Hamilton cycles and matchings with
constraints on pairs of edges
- 2 March: Sasha Gnedin, Block characters
of the symmetric groups
- 9 March: Catherine Greenhill (New South Wales): Making Markov chains less lazy
- 16 March: Thomas Prellberg, On q-deformed algebraic and linear
functional equations arising in lattice path enumeration
- 23 March at 16:00: Celia Glass and Peter Cameron,
Acyclic orientations of graphs, 1
- 30 March: Robert Schumacher, Acyclic orientations of graphs, 2
- 4 May: Miniconference: UCLA@QMUL
- 18 May: Matt Fayers, Generalised cores
- 1 June: Peter Cameron, Counting colourings (notes here)
- 8 June: Bill Jackson, Radically solvable
- 20 July: Koko Kayibi, Sampling ecological
occurrence matrices
- 24 August: Mikkel Thorup (Bell Labs), The maximal block overhang problem
- 30 August (Thursday): Katarzyna Rybarczyk-Krzywdzińska,
Comparison of random intersection graphs with Erdős–Rényi
- 5 October: Peter Cameron, Entropy, partitions, groups, and association schemes, 1
- 12 October: Rosemary Bailey, Entropy, partitions, groups, and association schemes, 2
- 19 October: Søren Riis, Entropy, partitions, groups, and association schemes, 3: Non-Shannon information inequalities
- 26 October: Dhruv Mubayi (UIC), Quasirandom hypergraphs
- 2 November: Sune Jakobsen, Entropy, partitions, groups, and association schemes, 4
- 9 November: László Végh (LSE), Approximating minimum cost k-node-connected spanning subgraphs
- 23 November: Fatima Affiff Chaouche (University of Sciences and
Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers), Pancyclicity when each cycle must pass exactly k Hamilton cycle chords
- 30 November: Mark Jerrum, Reducing graphs by automorphisms
- 7 December: Fiachra Knox, Polynomial-time perfect matchings in dense
- 14 January: Graham Farr (Monash), Transforms, minors and generalised
Tutte polynomials
- 21 January: Charles Little (Massey),
A characterisation of PM-compact bipartite and
near-bipartite graphs
- 28 January: Leonard Soicher,
Constructing semi-Latin squares, exact comparison of their statistical
efficiency measures, and a conjecture of R.A. Bailey
- 4 February: Dan Hefetz, Hitting time results for Maker-Breaker games
- 11 February: Donald Keedwell,
Constructions of complete sets of orthogonal diagonal Sudoku latin squares
- 25 February: Peter Keevash, Hypergraph Packing 1
- 4 March: Double-header
- 16:00 Richard Mycroft, Hypergraph Packing 2
- 17:00 Heidi Gebauer (ETH): Game Theoretic Ramsey Numbers
- 11, 18, 25 March and 8 April: Alan Sokal,
Roots of a formal power series, with applications to graph enumeration and q-series (the notes from the individual
talks are here)
- 1 April: Dudley Stark, The asymptotic number of spanning forests of
complete bipartite graphs
- 13 May: John McSorley (Southern Illinois),
On (n,k,λ)-Ovals and
(n,k,λ)-Cyclic Difference Sets, Ladders, Hadamard Ovals and
Related Topics
- 20 May: Max Gadouleau, Combinatorial
- 12 July: Douglas Stones (Monash), Latin squares and network motifs
- 7 October: Peter Cameron, Conference
- 14 October: Geoff Whittle (LMS Aitken Lecturer),
Well-quasi-ordering binary matroids
- 21 October: Emil Vaughan, Automated
proofs of Turán densities using Razborov's flag algebra method
- 28 October: David Ellis, Triangle-intersecting families of graphs
- 4 November: Demetres Christofides, Diameters of random Cayley graphs
- 10 November (THURSDAY): David Conlon (Cambridge), On two extensions
of Ramsey's theorem
- 18 November: Jessica Enright (Alberta), List-colouring interval and
permutation graphs
- 25 November: Mark Jerrum, A graph
polynomial, a Markov chain and a counterexample
- 2 December: Max Gadouleau, The
combinatorics of memoryless computation
- 9 December: Standa Zivny (Oxford), The complexity of conservative-valued
- 22 and 29 January: Robert Johnson and Mark Walters, Graphs as
electrical networks
- 5 February: Peter Cameron, Combinatorics of inverse semigroups (after A. Umar)
- 12 February: John Faben, Reducing graphs by involutions
- 19 February: Double-header (note times)
- 26 February: Derek Patterson, Generalising the Inequalities of Fisher
and Bose
- 5 March: Alex O'Neill, Searching for optimal block designs using
Cayley graphs
- 12 March: Benny Sudakov (UCLA), Hypergraph Ramsey problem
- 19 March: Bill Jackson, A zero-free interval for chromatic polynomials
of 3-connected graphs
- 16 April: Manfred Droste (Leipzig): Random constructions of countable abelian p-groups
- 30 April: Richard Mycroft, A proof of
Sumner's universal tournament conjecture for large n
- 7 May: Donald Keedwell, Quasigroup
laws which imply that the quasigroup is a loop or group
- 14 May: Bhalchandra D. Thatte (Oxford): Reconstructing population pedigrees and hypergraphs (talk postponed from last term)
- 21 May: No meeting
- 28 May: Matt Fayers, Crystals and partitions
- 4 June: Robert Bailey, Generalised covering designs and clique coverings
- 11 June: no meeting
- 18 June: Bill Jackson, Rigidity of direction/length frameworks
- 25 June: Celia Glass, Minimizing the number of gap-zeros in binary matrices
- 2 July: double header
- 9 July: Koko Kayibi, Random generation of graphs with prescribed degree sequence
- 1 October: Ryan Martin (Iowa State University):
Q2-free families in the Boolean lattice
- 8 October: Sam Tarzi, Cartan triality and the 3-coloured random graph
- 15 October: Leonard Soicher, New optimal semi-Latin squares
coming from 2-transitive groups
- 22 October: Donald Preece: If at first you don't succeed...: a
combinatorial breakthrough
- 29 October: Peter Cameron, Generating a
group by coset representatives
- 5 November: Double-header
- 16:00: Rudolf Ahlswede (Bielefeld),
Identification as a new concept of solution for probabilistic algorithms
- 17:00: Robert Woodrow (Calgary),
- 12 November: Mark Jerrum,
The Ising model on some classes of
- 19 November: Andy Drizen, Generating
uniformly distributed random 2-designs with block size 3
- 26 November: Aylin Cakiroglu, On the optimality of truncations of
projective spaces
- 10 December: Mark Walters, Euclidean
Ramsey Theory
- 23 January: Peter Cameron,
Graphs and finite transformation
- 30 January: Stu Whittington (Toronto), Counting knotted, unknotted and
almost unknotted embeddings of graphs in lattices
- 6 February: Erika Kovacs, Constructive characterizations
- 13 February: Dudley Stark, Correlations on random trees
- 20 February: Leonard Soicher, Block
intersection polynomials
- 27 February: Mark Jerrum, A
complexity dichotomy for hypergraph partition functions
- 6 March: Rosemary Bailey, Optimal designs
- 13 March: Aylin Cakiroglu, Are generalized hexagons optimal?
- 20 March: John Bamberg (Ghent), A computer algebra package for finite
- 27 March: Judy-anne Osborn (ANU),
Visualizing Amicability
- 1 May: Anthony Hilton, King Arthur and his Knights at two round
- 8 May: Taoyang Wu, Combinatorial problems on trees
- 15 May: Emil Vaughan, Improving the Chetwynd–Hilton Theorem
- 22 May: Mike Thorpe (Arizona State),
Rigidity theory in networks and proteins
- 5 June: Andy Drizen, A Markov chain for Steiner triple systems
- 12 June: Peter Cameron and Donald Preece, Decomposing the group of
units by arithmetic progressions
- 26 June: Karl Petersen (Chapel Hill),
The Eulerian adic dynamical systems
and path counts in the Eulerian graph
- 2 October: Diane Donovan (Queensland),
The importance of latin trades in the study
of completing partial latin squares
- 9 October: No meeting (DAP70)
- 16 October: John Talbot (UCL),
Triangles in tripartite graphs
- 23 October: Aidan Roy, Optimal designs in complex projective space,
- 30 October: No meeting (Ergodic theory workshop)
- 6 November: Aidan Roy, Optimal designs in complex projective space,
- 13 November: Thomas Prellberg, Counting area-weighted Dyck-paths in a
- 27 November: Olof Sisask, Fourier
analysis and approximate structure in additive combinatorics, 1
- 4 December: Olof Sisask, Fourier
analysis and approximate structure in additive combinatorics, 2
- 11 December: Raul Mondragon, Two problems on connectivity of networks
- 18 December: Liam Halpenny, Two problems in the theory of planar graphs:
A fresh look at the Four Colour Theorem and a (somewhat!) associated Erdős
- 11 January: R. A. Bailey, Amorphic association schemes
- 18 January: Christopher Dowden,
Components in random planar graphs
with n vertices and m edges
- 25 January: Robert Johnson, Vertex Turán problems in the cube
- 1 February: Peter Keevash,
Simplices in set systems
- 8 February: Mark Walters,
Finding two points and union free
- 15 February: Philippe Flajolet,
analysis of generating functions: a perspective
- 22 and 29 February and 7 March: John Bray,
Groups and graphs
- 14 March: Cristy Kazanidis, Cores of rank-3 graphs
- 28 March: Thomas Prellberg, Nestings of
matchings and partially directed walks in wedges
- 16 May: Harriet Pollatsek, High-performance non-stabilizer quantum
codes: the recent graphical construction of Yu et al.
- 30 May: David Ellis (Cambridge),
Intersecting Families of Permutations and the Cameron-Ku conjecture
- 26 September: Nick Wormald,
Properties of graphs of large girth
- 3 October: Martino Barenco, Experimental design issues in DNA
- 10, 17, 24 October: Christopher Monteith, Partition backtracking:
1, Combinatorial isomorphism and partition
2, Group action morphisms in partition
3, Partition backtrack methods for more
complicated group actions
- 31 October: Peter Cameron, Algebraic
properties of chromatic roots
- 7 November: Bridging the
Gaps, 3-6pm in the Maths Lecture Theatre
- 14 November: Peter Keevash, A hypergraph
blowup lemma
- 21 November: Discussion of Martino Barenco's problem
- 28 November: Leonard Soicher, Generalised t-designs
- 5 December: Bill Jackson, Rigidity of direction-length frameworks
- 12 December: Anthony Hilton: Wiggles and
finitely discontinuous k-to-1 functions between graphs
- 12 January: Koko Kayibi, The Tutte polynomial of matroid linkages
- 19 January: Peter Cameron, Optimal designs and root systems
- 26 January: Emil Vaughan, Optimal designs, resistances and random
- 2 February: Liz McMahon, SET tutorial
- 9 February: Peter Cameron, More about the random graph
- 16 February: Theresia Eisenkölbl, Halved alternating sign matrices
and perfect matchings
- 23 February: Gary Gordon, Tutte polynomial and trees
- 2 March: Bart De Bruyn, Generalized quadrangles of order s with a
hyperbolic line consisting of regular points
- 9 March: Liz McMahon, Automorphisms of Cayley graphs
- 16 March: Donald Preece, Daisy chains
- 23 March: Dudley Stark, Asymptotic enumeration of 2-covers and line
- 30 March: Robert Bailey, Some cases of the single-orbit conjecture
- 20 April: Tom Zaslavsky, Totally
frustrated states: A physics-like generalisation of graph colouring
- 27 April: Jeremy Carroll, A new proof
of Pappus's Theorem (abstract;
paper here)
- 11 May: Koko Kayibi,
U-polynomial, thickets and A-optimality
- 18 May: Criel Merino, On the number of spanning trees and acyclic
orientations of a graph (abstract)
- 25 May: Peter Cameron, Factorising the cycle index
- 1 June: Alex Gamburd, Expanders: from arithmetic to combinatorics
and back (abstract)
- 8 June: John Arhin, Every SOMA(n-2,n)
is Trojan
- 15 June: Aleks Owczarek, Polymers in slabs and slits with attracting
walls (joint meeting with the Dynamics Seminar)
- 22 June: Jan van den Heuvel, Cyclic orderings of matroids
- 29 June: Tibor Jordán, Pin-collinear body-and-pin frameworks
and the molecular conjecture
- 6 July: Bill Martin, A survey of cometric (Q-polynomial) association
- 16 July: Christopher Monteith: Practically deciding equivalence of
linear codes
- 21 September: Bill Jackson: An inequality for Tutte
polynomials (abstract)
- 28 September: Steve Gilmour, Group screening designs based on
unreduced incomplete block designs
- 5, 12, 19 October: Miklós Simonovits:
Extremal graph theory, (1) General Theory, (2) Degenerate extremal
graph problems, (3) New results
- 26 October: Peter Keevash, A hypergraph regularity method for
generalised Turán problems
- 2 November: Emil Vaughan, Completability of gerechte skeletons is
- 9 November: Anthony Hilton, On a generalization
of Talbot's theorem about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table
- 16 November: Peter Cameron, A parking problem
- 23 November: Søren Riis, Graph entropy and guessing games
(extended abstract)
- 30 November: Jerzy Jaworski, Random mappings with exchangeable
in-degrees (abstract)
- 7 December: Andreas Dress, The combinatorics of finite metric
spaces (extended abstract and references)
- 14 December: Jack Koolen, On distance-regular graphs with fixed
smallest eigenvalue
- 13 January: Anthony Hilton, Semiregular factorisations of graphs
- 20 January: Anthony Hilton, Semiregular factorisations of graphs
- 27 January: Robert Johnson, Intersection theorems on structures
- 3 February: Tony Forbes, The Design of the Century
- 10 February: Jeremy Carroll, Venn triangles (outline)
- 17 February: Josephine Kusuma, Orthogonal arrays and the Gray map
- 24 February: Taoyang Wu, "Fixed-point-free" is NP-complete
- 3 March: Tank Aldred, Counting cycles in 3-connected cubic graphs
- 10 March: Debbie Lockett, Posets, homomorphisms and homogeneity
- 17 March: Aleks Owczarek, Exact solutions of directed lattice path problems related to colloidal
dispersions: some combinatorics and some physics
- 24 March: Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Spanning even subgraphs of graphs
- 31 March: Adam Watson, Rigidity of graphs and cofactor matroids
- 7 April: Chris Godsil, Association schemes and type-II matrices
- 5 May: Peter Cameron, Derangements
(abstract and
data updated 23 May 2006)
- 12 May: Fatma Al-Kharousi, Quaternary codes and their weight
- 26 May: Andrew Moore, New optical networks as a coding problem
- 2 June: Rob Wilson, Navin Singhi's work on projective planes
- 29 September: Peter Cameron, Graph homomorphisms I
- 6 October: Taoyang Wu, Graph homomorphisms II
- 13 October: Jack Edmonds, Finding the rank of a matrix whose entries are linear functions of indeterminates
- 20 October: Taoyang Wu, Graph homomorphisms III
- 27 October: Anthony Hilton, Bounded degree factorisations of
- 3 November: Robert Johnson, Intersection theorems on graphs
- 10, 17, 24 November: Thomas Prellberg, Enumerating lattice paths
using the kernel method, I, II, III
- 1 December: Federico Montecalvo, Constructions of Lotto designs
- 8 December: Tatiana Gateva-Ivanova, Set-theoretic solutions of the
Yang-Baxter equation and their graphs
- 14 January: Peter Cameron, A symmetric Tutte polynomial
- 21 January: Dudley Stark, Random preorders
- 28 January: Robert Johnson, Baranyi's partition theorem and
the Fon-Der-Flaass conjecture
- 4 February: Yun Sun: An overview of the network information flow
- 11, 18, 25 February, 4, 11 March, 29 April, 13 May: Alan Sokal,
The Potts model and the Tutte polynomial
- 18 March: Thomas Prellberg, From parabolic fixed points to
asymptotic enumeration
- 1 April: Robert Bailey, Permutation groups, error-correcting codes
and uncoverings, then Cheng Yeaw Ku, Intersecting families of set
- 8 April: Peter Cameron, Base number and separation number
- 20 May: Bill Jackson, Roots of chromatic polynomials
- 27 May, 3 June: Mike Newman, Quantum entanglement and orthogonality
- 10 June: Jason Rudd, Orbits on proper vertex colourings, and
Tony Forbes, 6-sparse Steiner triple systems
- 30 September: Peter Cameron, Random Latin squares
- 7 October: Mihyun Kang, Random planar structures
- 14, 21, 28 October: Deszö Miklós, Extremal problems on
the hypercube
- 4 November: John Talbot, Kneser and Schrijver graphs
- 11 November: No meeting (OWL meeting on Combinatorics and Statistical
- 18, 25 November: Peter Cameron, Counting problems from infinite
permutation groups
- 2 December: Balazs Montagh: Ramsey numbers under conditions on degrees
or density
- 9 December: No meeting (LMS Triangle Meeting on group theory)
- 16 December: Peter Cameron, Sudoku and geometry
- 30 January: Donald Preece, Logarithmic terraces
- 13, 20 February, 5 March: Robert Bailey, Distance-transitive (and
distance-regular) graphs
- 12 March: Colin Cooper, Cover time of random regular graphs
- 26 March: Peter Cameron, Enumerating 0-1 matrices
- 3 April: Peter Cameron, Homomorphism-homogeneous graphs
- 30 April: C. Y. Ku, Intersecting families in direct products of
symmetric groups
- 7 May: Pablo Spiga, k-min-wise independent sets of permutations
- 14 May: Peter Cameron, On the rank of adjacency matrices
- 21 May: Donald Preece, Terraces
- 28 May: Robin Whitty, Graceful trees
- 4 June: R. A. Bailey, Trees and terraces
- 18 June: Bill Jackson, Graphs with all 2-factors isomorphic
- 1, 8, 15 October, 26 November: Peter Cameron, A symmetric Tutte
- 22, 29 October: Bill Jackson, Flow and tension polynomials of
symmetric graphs and matroids
- 5 November: Anthony Bonato, The infinite random graph and the web
- 12 November: Koen Thas, Elation generalized quadrangles
- 19 November: Thomas Britz, Weight enumerators and matroid
- 3 December: Robert Bailey, 13/8
- 10 December: Leonard Soicher, Orderly generation
- 17 December: Colva Roney-Dougal, Classifying primitive permutation
- 4 January, Peter Cameron, Permutations
- 31 January, 7, 14 February, Cheng Yeaw Ku, Intersecting families of
- 21 February: Robert Bailey, Decoding the Mathieu group
- 28 February, 7 March: John Arhin, SOMAS: pushing the bounds
- 21 March: Peter Cameron, Covering radius
- 28 March, 4 April: John McSorley, Properly separated permutations
- 2, 9, 16, 23 May: Koko Kayibi, Matroids, Tutte
polynomial, linking polynomial
- 6 June: C. Y. Ku, The probabilistic method
- 13 June: Abigail Kirk, Groups admitting a finite number of
right-orders, and Sam Tarzi, Multicoloured random graphs
- 10 October: R. A. Bailey, Designs on association schemes
- 24, 31 October, 7 November: Bill Jackson, Rigidity of graphs
- 28 November: Cheng Yeaw Ku, Parallelism of finite sets
- 5 December: Peter Cameron, A (probably) unsolvable problem
- 12 December: Peter Cameron, MDS codes
- 18 February: Peter Cameron, Steiner triple systems
- 4 October: R. A. Bailey, Designs
- 11, 18 October, 1, 8 November: Leonard Soicher, Computational methods in
design theory
- 25 October: R. A. Bailey and Peter Cameron, What is a design?
- 15, 22 November: Steve Gilmour, Treatment structures
- 29 November: Donald Preece, BIBDs with repeated blocks
- 6 December: RAB, PJC, LHS, Designs on the Web
- Sometime here Thomas Müller gave some talks on Generalized
permutation representations
- 23 February: Peter Cameron, Strongly regular graphs
- 23, 30 March, 6 April: Len Soicher, Coxeter groups, A5,
PSL(2,11), M12 and all that
- 4 May: Peter Cameron, Permutation groups and association schemes
- 18 May: Colva Roney-Dougal, Diagonal groups
- 1 June (?) Peter Cameron, Borcherds' proof of the Moonshine conjectures
(after V. Nikulin)
- September(?): Michael Giudici, three talks on Hadamard matrices and
- October - December: Rafael Sorkin, Causal sets (a series of talks)
- 12 May: (?), Error-correcting codes
- 19, 26 May: Keldon Drudge, Z4-codes
- 29 September, 6, 13 October: Rosemary Bailey, Association Schemes
- 20 October: Peter Cameron, Blueprints in nonabelian groups
- 27 October: Rosemary Bailey, Poset block structures
- 3 November: Peter Cameron, Quantum computing
- 15, 22 January: Peter Cameron, Permutation groups
- 29 January, 5, 12 February: Colva Roney-Dougal, The Mathieu groups
- 5, 12 March: Chris Pinnock, Finitary permutation groups
- 19, 26 March (?) : Michael Giudici, Distance transitive graphs
- 26 March: Peter Cameron, Permutation groups problems
- 7 May: Leonard Soicher, The miracle octad generator
- 14, 21, 28 May: Keldon Drudge, Projective geometry
- 8 October: Peter Cameron, Problems
- 15, 22, 29 October, 5, 12, 26 November: Peter Cameron,
Quadratic forms
- 3 December(?): Sonia Mansilla, Construction of k-arc regular
Peter J. Cameron
5 January 2010