The following list contains selected working papers and forthcoming and recent publications. A more complete list of publications is available as well, as is some additional information from DBLP and Google Scholar.

  1. J. Cembrano, F. Fischer, and M. Klimm. Impartial Rank Aggregation. Working paper.
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  2. P. Dütting, F. Fischer, and D. C. Parkes. 2024. Non-Truthful Position Auctions Are More Robust to Misspecification. Mathematics of Operations Research 49(2), 901–27.
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  3. J. Cembrano, F. Fischer, D. Hannon, and M. Klimm. 2024. Impartial Selection with Additive Guarantees via Iterated Deletion. Games and Economic Behavior 144, 203–24.
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  4. J. Cembrano, F. Fischer, and M. Klimm. 2023. Improved Bounds for Single-Nomination Impartial Selection. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 449.
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  5. J. Cembrano, F. Fischer, and M. Klimm. 2022. Optimal Impartial Correspondences. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 187–203.
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  6. J. Correa, P. Dütting, F. Fischer, and K. Schewior. 2022. Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution. Mathematics of Operations Research 47(2), 1287–1309.
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  7. J. Correa, P. Dütting, F. Fischer, K. Schewior, and B. Ziliotto. 2021. Unknown I.I.D. Prophets: Better Bounds, Streaming Algorithms, and a New Impossibility. In Proceedings of the 12th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference.
    [ pdf | link | report ]
  8. P. Dütting, F. Fischer, and M. Klimm. Revenue Gaps for Static and Dynamic Posted Pricing of Homogeneous Goods. Working paper.
    [ pdf | report ]

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