Study Groups, Conferences, Workshops, Summer Schools

Organisation of an advanced study group
July - Dec. 2015 Statistical Physics and Anomalous Dynamics of Foraging, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany
Organisation of international conferences (except 1st all as the main organizer)  
March 2019 LML workshop on Random dynamical systems and anomalous dynamics, Imperial College London, UK
August 2017 international workshop on Anomalous Dynamics in Complex Systems: From Chaos on Nanoscales to Search in Biology, Tampere, Finland
July/Aug. 2011 3-week international workshop and seminar on Weak Chaos, Infinite Ergodic Theory, and Anomalous Dynamics, MPIPKS Dresden
July 2006 373. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Seminar on Anomalous Transport: Experimental Results and Theoretical Challenges, Bad Honnef, Germany
August 2002 3-week international workshop and seminar on Microscopic Chaos and Transport in Many-Particle Systems, MPIPKS Dresden
Organisation of small workshops  
July 2017 Third Focus Week Meeting of the Advanced Study Group on Statistical Physics and Anomalous Dynamics of Foraging, QMUL, London
Nov. 2015 Second Focus Week Meeting of the Advanced Study Group on Statistical Physics and Anomalous Dynamics of Foraging, MPIPKS Dresden
September 2015 First Focus Week Meeting of the Advanced Study Group on Statistical Physics and Anomalous Dynamics of Foraging, MPIPKS Dresden
May 2014 organization of the Postgraduate Research Day as Director of the PhD programme of the School of Mathematical Sciences, QMUL, with PhD students presenting talks and posters
May 2013 organization of the Postgraduate Research Day as Director of the PhD programme of the School of Mathematical Sciences, QMUL, with PhD students presenting talks and posters
June 2012 LDSG workshop on Fluctuations in Dynamical Systems Far From Equilibrium, QMUL, London
March 2012 interdisciplinary symposium on Statistics of Cellular Motion at the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin
May 2011 LDSG workshop on Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Optical Lattices, UCL, London
March 2011 symposium on Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics of Small Systems at the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden (see here for abstracts)
August 2010 LDSG workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Dynamics in Biological Systems, QMUL, London
July 2010 LDSG workshop on Anomalous Transport in Nonlinear Lattices: From Theory to Experiment, UCL, London
July 2009 workshop on Understanding the Dynamics of Foraging Bumblebees, QMUL, London
June 2009 LDSG workshop on Dynamics in Chaotic and Stochastic Systems: From Mathematical Models to Physical Systems, QMUL, London
Feb. 2009 LDSG workshop on Statistical Properties of Ergodic Systems, Surrey, UK
May 2007 LDSG workshop on Anomalous Diffusion in Deterministic Systems, Surrey, UK
June 2001 invited minisymposium on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics for the Dynamics Days Europe, Dresden
Invited talks  
Oct. 2024 online talk Mexico
Sept. 2024 workshop on Modelling and applications of anomalous diffusion, INI, Cambridge
Sept. 2024 28th conference on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Graechen, Switzerland
Sept. 2023 Scientific Workshop: 30 years MPI-PKS, MPIPKS Dresden
Sum./Aut. 2023 programme on Mathematics of movement: an interdisciplinary approach to mutual challenges in animal ecology and cell biology, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; two talks: [July] [November]
Sept. 2022 online workshop Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics: Theory and Applications, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Spring 2022 programme on Fractional differential equations, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK (online)
April 2021 mini-symposium talk at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Glasgow, UK (online)
September 2019 workshop From sub-diffusion to the wave equation: Analysis, models and computation, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
September 2019 workshop on Anomalous diffusion: wild and bad? II, Bad Wildbad, Germany
August 2019 conference on Research on the Theory of Random Dynamical Systems and Fractal Geometry, Kyoto, Japan
July 2019 workshop on Statistical physics meets movement ecology, Bristol, UK
April 2019 workshop on Random Walks and Intracellular Transport, Manchester, UK [abstract]
April 2018 plenary talk at the conference on Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology, and Evolution, University of Leicester, UK [abstract|talk]
January 2018 SFB910-Symposium on Patterns and control in stochastic systems, TU Berlin [abstract|talk]
October 2017 workshop on Multiple scale analysis and modeling of collective migration in biological systems, ZIF Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld, Germany [abstract|talk]
September 2017 Current status and future directions of Levy walk research, The Company of Biologists, Wiston House, Wilton Park, Sussex, UK [abstract]
September 2017 30th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Krakow, Poland [abstract]
July 2017 International Seminar on Climate Fluctuations and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany [abstract|talk]
Nov. 2016 main speaker at the workshop on Fractional calculus, probability and non-local operators: applications and recent developments, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain [abstract|talk]
July/Aug. 2016 programme on Nonequilibrium processes at the nanoscale, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, Beijing (two talks) [abstract|talk]
June 2016 workshop on Probability, Non-Local Operators and Applications, Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex [abstract|talk]
May 2016 SFB910-Symposium on Non-Markovian transport in classical and quantum systems, TU Berlin [abstract|talk]
May 2016 WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Quantifying complex transport with Levy walks: from cold atoms to humans and robots, Bad Honnef, Germany [abstract|talk]
March 2016 workshop on Stochastic Modelling of Transport Processes in Biology, Manchester, UK [talk]
September 2015 symposium on Fluctuation driven phenomena in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Warwick, UK [abstract|talk]
August 2015 plenary talk at the conference Diffusion Fundamentals VI, Dresden [talk]
Sept. 2014
workshop on Theory and Applications of Random/Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems, Imperial College, UK [abstract|talk]
Oct./Nov. 2013 programme on Mathematics for the Fluid Earth, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK [abstract|talk|video]
October 2013 International workshop on Small systems far from equilibrium: Order, correlations, and fluctuations, Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden [abstract|talk]
August 2012 International Summer Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems 2012, CRP Lavin, Engadina, Switzerland [abstract|talk]
May 2012 workshop on Aggregation, Inference and Rare Events in the Natural and Socio-Economic Sciences, Warwick, UK [abstract|talk]
April 2012 conference on Open Dynamical Systems: Ergodic Theory, Probabilistic Methods and Applications, BIRS, Banff, Canada [abstract|talk]
March 2012 scientific meeting of the Saxonian DFG Research group From local constraints to macroscopic transport, Chemnitz, Germany [talk]
August 2011 conference on Nonequilibrium processes: the last 40 years and the future, Obergurgl, Austria [abstract|talk]
May 2011 conference on Chaos, Complexity and Transport, Marseille, France [abstract|talk]
September 2010 conference on Anomalous Transport: from Billiards to Nanosystems, Sperlonga, Italy (three lectures) [abstract|talk 1|talk 2|talk 3]
December 2009 symposium on Chaos, Scattering, and Statistical Mechanics, Brussels, Belgium
September 2009 Pseudochaos and stable-chaos in statistical mechanics and quantum physics, Trieste, Italy (two lectures)
November 2008 Workshop on Molecular Dynamics, Thermostats and Convergence to Equilibrium, Edinburgh,UK
September 2008 Dynamics Days Asia-Pacific, Nara, Japan
June 2008 semester/workshop on Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems, ESI, Vienna
March 2008 workshop on Chaos: Theory and Experiment, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
March 2008 workshop on Modeling anomalous diffusion and relaxation: from single molecules to the flight of the albatross?, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
January 2008 International Winter Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems, CRP Lavin, Engadina, Switzerland
Sept. 2007 trimester/workshop on Statistical Physics of Systems out of Equilibrium, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris
July 2006 international symposium Dynamical Systems and Statistical Mechanics, LMS, Durham, UK
June 2006 16. Workshop on Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Physics, Coventry
March 2005 international conference Nonlinearity, Fluctuations, and Complexity, Brussels
August 2004 workshop on Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamics in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems, ESI, Vienna
July 2004 workshop on Stability, Fluctuations and Transient Behaviour in Nonequilibrium Systems, CECAM, Lyon
May 2004 mini-meeting on Quantum Chaos and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Minisymposium, Technion, Haifa
May 2003 INTAS03 meeting and Minisymposium on Anomalous Dynamical Processes, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
June 1999 NATO conference Nonlinear Science: Dynamics and Stochasticity, Brussels
Feb. 1999 workshop Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Vienna
July 1998 conference Probabilistic and Thermodynamic Aspects of Nonlinear Dynamics, Brussels
March 1998 workshop Disordered Dynamical Systems, MPIPKS Dresden
Sept. 1997 workshop and summer school Chaos and Irreversibility, Budapest

Invited posters
Nov. 2003 two posters at the 4. Dresdner Herbstseminar des Arbeitskreises Nichtlineare Physik, Dynamik auf Netzwerken, MPIPKS Dresden
May 2000 Schlößmann Seminar on Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Physics of the Max Planck Society, Bad Lausick (Germany)
Nov. 1998 204th Heraeus seminar Elementary Mechanisms of Complex Structures, Bad Honnef (Germany)

Contributed talks

August 2022 Dynamics Days Europe 2022, Aberdeen, UK
December 2020 33rd Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics (online)
August 2020 Dynamics Days Digital 2020 (online)
July 2019 Summer School of the London Mathematical Laboratory, ICTP Trieste, Italy [talk]
July 2019 workshop on Locomotion and Navigation from Flies to Robots, ICTP Trieste, Italy
June 2019 international conference on Engineering of Chemical Complexity, Potsdam, Germany
April 2019 QMUL workshop on DSSP: Research Excellence & Interdisciplinary Themes, University of London Institute in Paris, France
March 2019 LML workshop on Random dynamical systems and anomalous dynamics, Imperial College London, UK [abstract|talk]
Oct. 2018 international conference on Nonequilibrium Collective Dynamics: Bridging the Gap between Hard and Soft Materials, Potsdam, Germany
Sept. 2018 international conference on Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems, Warnemuende, Rostock, Germany
March 2018
DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin
August 2017 international workshop on Anomalous Dynamics in Complex Systems: From Chaos on Nanoscales to Search in Biology, Tampere, Finland [workshop opening]
July 2017 International Workshop on Climate Fluctuations and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, MPIPKS Dresden, Germany [abstract|talk]
March 2017 Open Statistical Physics, Open University, Milton Keynes [abstract|talk]
August 2016
Principles of Biological and Robotic Navigation, MPIPKS Dresden [abstract|talk]
March 2016
DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg [abstract 1|talk 1] [abstract 2|talk 2]
Jan. 2016 7. Chemnitz-Dresden Focus Meeting on Nonlinear Dynamics and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany [abstract|talk]
Nov. 2015
Advanced Study Group at MPIPKS Dresden, Second Focus Week Meeting [abstract|talk]
Oct. 2015 workshop on Anomalous diffusion: wild and bad?, Bad Wildbad, Black Forest [talk]
March 2015 Open Statistical Physics, Open University, Milton Keynes [abstract|talk]
Jan. 2015
workshop on Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Climate: linking models to data, CliMathNet, Dartington Hall, Devon [abstract|talk]
Dec. 2014
workshop on Fermi Acceleration and Time-dependent Billiards, Imperial College London [abstract|talk]
June 2014
workshop on Evolutionary Dynamics and Complexity, City University London [abstract|talk]
April 2014
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden [abstract 1|talk 1] [abstract 2|talk 2]
March 2013 Open Statistical Physics, Open University, Milton Keynes [abstract|talk]
Dec. 2012 Biology-Statistics Symposium, QMUL, London [talk]
March 2012 DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin [abstract|talk]
May 2011 international workshop and seminar on Weak Chaos, Infinite Ergodic Theory, and Anomalous Dynamics, MPIPKS Dresden (two lectures) [abstract|conference opening|talk 1|talk 2]
May 2011 one-day LDSG workshop on Non-equilibrium Dynamics in Optical Lattices, UCL, London [talk]
March 2011 DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden [abstract|talk]
March 2011 Open Statistical Physics, Open University, Milton Keynes [abstract|talk]
Nov. 2010 Bridging the Gaps End of Year Workshop, QMUL, London [talk]
Oct. 2010 Nonlinear Dynamics 2010, Bayreuth, Germany [abstract|talk]
July 2010 one-day LDSG workshop on Anomalous Transport in Nonlinear Lattices: From Theory to Experiment, UCL, London
May 2010 One-day IOP meeting on Complexity and Nonlinear Phenomena in Biological Systems, Bath, UK
July 2009 one-day workshop on Understanding the Dynamics of Foraging Bumblebees, QMUL, London
Feb. 2008 DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin
August 2007 Natural Complexity: Data and Theory in Dialogue, Cambridge, UK
July 2007 Dynamics Days Europe, Loughborough, UK
May 2007 one-day workshop on Anomalous Diffusion in Deterministic Systems, Surrey, UK
March 2007 DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg
July 2005 Dynamics Days Europe, Berlin
March 2003 DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden
Dec. 2002 3. Dresdner Herbstseminar des Arbeitskreises Nichtlineare Physik, Nichtlineare stochastische Prozesse, MPIPKS Dresden
Aug. 2002 international workshop and seminar on Microscopic Chaos and Transport in Many-Particle Systems, MPIPKS Dresden
Feb. 2002 38th Winter School of Theoretical Physics - Dynamical Semigroups: Dissipation, Chaos, Quanta, Ladek, Poland
March 2001 DPG Spring Meeting, Hamburg
July 2000 Statistical Mechanics of Space-Time Chaos, MPIPKS Dresden
March 1999 DPG Spring Meeting, Münster
March 1998 two talks at the DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg
April 1997 Statistical Physics Meeting of the Hungarian Physical Society, Budapest
Aug. 1996 163rd Heraeus meeting Physics and Dynamics between Chaos, Order, and Noise, Berlin
May 1996 75th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers, USA
May 1995 3rd SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, USA
March 1995 DPG Spring Meeting, Berlin
June 1994 4th International Symposium on Chaotic Dynamical Systems, Woudschoten, The Netherlands
April 1991 Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Münster

Contributed posters
May 2015
Random Walks and Nonlinear Dynamics in the Life of Cells, MPIPKS Dresden
Sept. 2005 Diffusion Fundamentals I, Leipzig
May 2003 poster presentation on occasion of the meeting of the scientific advisory board at the MPIPKS

Classical and Quantum Barrier Transport in Complex Systems, MPIPKS Dresden
March 2003 two posters at the DPG Spring meeting, Dresden
June 2001 Dynamics Days Europe, Dresden

1st International MTBio-Workshop on Function and Regulation of Cellular Systems: Experiments and Models, MPIPKS Dresden
March 2001 Physics of Information and Synchronization in Stochastic Dynamics, MPIPKS Dresden
May 2000 Dynamics and Statistics of Complex Systems, MPIPKS Dresden
March 1999 DPG Spring Meeting, Münster
July 1998 20th STATPHYS Conference, Paris
Aug. 1997 13th International Summer School of Statistical Physics, Altenberg, Germany
July 1996 CECAM Euroconference, Lyon
Oct. 1994 International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics, Würzburg
Aug. 1992 18th International Conference on Statistical Physics (STATPHYS), Berlin
April 1992 DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg