Alex Fink

Alex Fink

I am a Professor of Pure Mathematics in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London.

Office: 312, Maths Building, Mile End campus (number 4 on this map)
Telephone: 020 7882 5520
he / him

Support hours: see my entry on the School's pages. Or email for an appointment.

Here is my CV.

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Teaching and tutoring

I have no teaching scheduled for the 2023/24 academic year. Last year I taught MTH4104, Introduction to Algebra. In previous years I have taught an advanced graduate module on Enumerative Combinatorics at the London Taught Course Centre.


I am the head of the Centre for Combinatorics, Algebra and Number Theory (CeCANT).


The COW seminar will meet at QMUL on the afternoon of Thursday 29 August.

The weekly reading group of the Tropical and Geometric Combinatorics research group at QMUL is in principle currently running, but on a sporadic summer schedule. It will return to weekly in the autumn.

Some past activities organised:

I have profiles at 500 Queer Scientists and LGBTQ+ STEM.


I have three current PhD students:

and one current postdoc: My former students are Zeinab Toghani was a recent postdoc of mine.


My research interests are principally in algebraic combinatorics, especially where commutative algebra or algebraic geometry apply, including matroid theory and tropical geometry.

I hold EPSRC grant EP/X001229/1 Extensions of matroid Hodge theory. I have previously held EPSRC grant EP/M01245X/1 Algebra and geometry of matroids and Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No 792432 Tropical differential geometry.


Journal articles, conference papers, preprints
Doctoral thesis
My thesis was titled Matroid polytope subdivisions and valuations. Aside from an introduction all its content appears in the papers above.

Expository writing, manuscripts