J H Lowenstein, and F Vivaldi, Approach to a rational rotation number in a piecewise isometric system, Nonlinearity 23 (2010) 2677-2721. | |
J A G Roberts and F Vivaldi, A combinatorial model for reversible rational maps over finite fields Nonlinearity 22 (2009) 1965-1982. | |
G Poggiaspalla, J H Lowenstein and F Vivaldi, Geometric representation of interval exchange maps over algebraic number fields Nonlinearity 21 (2008) 149-177. | |
F Vivaldi and J H Lowenstein, Arithmetical properties of a family of irrational piecewise rotations, Nonlinearity 19 (2006) 1069-1097. | |
J A G Roberts and F Vivaldi, Signature of time-reversal symmetry in polynomial automorphisms over finite fields, Nonlinearity 18 (2005) 2171-2192. | |
J H Lowenstein, K L Kouptsov and F Vivaldi, Recursive tiling and geometry of piecewise rotations by pi/7, Nonlinearity 17 (2004) 371-395. | |
J A G Roberts and F Vivaldi, Arithmetical method to detect integrability in maps, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 No. 3 (2003) [034102]. | |
K Koupstov, J H Lowenstein and F Vivaldi, Quadratic rational rotations of the torus and dual lattice maps, Nonlinearity 15 (2002) 1795-1842. | |
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B V Chirikov and F Vivaldi, An algorithmic view of pseudochaos, Physica D 129 (1999) 223-235. | |
J H Lowenstein and F Vivaldi, Anomalous transport in a model of Hamiltonian round-off, Nonlinearity 11 (1998) 1321-1350. | |
R Carretero-Gonzales, D K Arrosmith and F Vivaldi, Mode-locking in coupled map lattices, Physica D 103 (1997) 381-403. | |
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F Vivaldi, Periodicity and transport from round-off errors, Experim. Math. 3 (1994) 303-315. | |
F Vivaldi and S Hatjyspyros, Galois theory of periodic orbits of polynomial maps, Nonlinearity D 5 (1992) 961-978. | |
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I C Percival and F Vivaldi, Arithmetical properties of strongly chaotic motions, Physica D 25 (1987) 105-130. | |
F Vivaldi and A Shaidenko, Global stability of a class of discontinuous dual billiards, Commun. Math. Phys. 110 (1987) 625-640. | |
B V Chirikov, M A Lieberman, D L Shepelyansky and F Vivaldi, A theory of modulational diffusion, Physica D 14 (1985) 289-304. | |
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G Casati, J Ford, F Vivaldi and W M Visscher, One-dimensional classical many-body system having a normal thermal conductivity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 1961-1964. | |
F Vivaldi, G Casati, and I Guarneri, The origin of long-time tails in strongly chaotic systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 727-730. | |
J M Greene, R S Mackay, F Vivaldi and M J Feigenbaum, Universal behaviour in families of area-preserving maps, Physica D 3 (1981) 468-486. |