We are now in a position to define the design optimality_criteria that have been implemented.
This is the log of the product of the canonical variances, called the
D-criterion (for ``determinant''). The product is proportional to
the volume of the
confidence ellipsoid for joint estimation of the canonical contrasts.
This is the arithmetic mean of the canonical variances, called the
A-criterion (for ``average''). It is also proportional to the average of
the pairwise variances
This is the mean of the squared
canonical variances. For any fixed value of this is minimized
when the
are as close as possible in the square error sense.
Thus it is a measure of balance of the design. A design is said
to be variance balanced when all normalized treatment contrasts
are estimated with the same variance. This occurs if and only if all the
are equal, which gives the smallest conceivable (and often
unattainable) value for
for fixed
. Among binary,
equiblocksize designs, only balanced incomplete block designs achieve
equality of the
The largest pairwise variance (
), called the MV-criterion
(for ``maximum variance''). This is a minimax criterion: minimize the
maximum loss (as measured by variance) for estimating the elementary
The sum of the largest canonical variances, called the
is usually called ``the'' E-criterion; minimization of
is minimization of the worst variance over all possible normalized
treatment contrasts.
is the counterpart of
maximum_pairwise_variances for the set of all contrasts.
More generally, minimization of
is minimization of the sum of the
worst variances over all possible sets of
normalized treatment
contrasts whose estimators are uncorrelated. Thus the
are a family
of minimax criteria.
is equivalent to
. A design
which minimizes all of the
Schur-optimal (it minimizes all Schur-convex functions of the
canonical variances).