Dr John N. Bray

Address School of Mathematical Sciences,
Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road,
London, E1 4NS.
J.N.Bray (picture)
Photo not yet available
OfficeMaths MB-B25
Office Hours Monday 2:30–3:30 (provisional).
Telephone+44 (0)20 7882 5482
School Fax+44 (0)20 7882 7684
E-mail AddressJ.N.Bray [just add ‘@’ and then ‘qmul.ac.uk’]

I am a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Queen Mary (School of Mathematical Sciences). Previously, I worked in the same place as a Post-doctoral Research Assistant, working on the www-ATLAS of Finite Group Representations, which I still work on. Currently most of my webpages reside in a mostly functional copy of what was my Birmingham website.


Yes, I do some, in the areas of Algebra and Combinatorics: mainly finite groups and the objects on which they act. See here for more details.
Here are my (symmetric) presentations pages.
My PhD thesis can be accessed here.

Recent Publications and Preprints

A list of my publications can be found here.
One of my papers (symmetric presentations of the Harada–Norton group) is here; others are coming.
My papers index (still in preparation) is here.
My mathematical genealogy can be found here.


In the academic year 2019–20 I am lecturing the following course.

Seminars / Colloquia / Study Groups

I regularly attend the following seminars. The following study group is currently in a state of abeyance, but I hope to restart it soon. (This is owing to me having a lack of time and energy to prepare the talks, and being unable to persuade others similarly lacking in time and energy to give series (pl.) of talks.)
MRC This page is maintained by John Bray. The views and opinions expressed in these pages are mine. The contents of these pages have not been reviewed or approved by Queen Mary, University of London.

Last updated: 17th September 2019.