Dudley Stark

I am a Reader in Mathematics and Probability in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London.

I teach MTH6102 Bayesian Statistical Methods and MTH787P Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management.

My office is MB-315 in the Mathematical Sciences Building.
My office phone number is 020 7882 5487.
E-mail: d.s.stark@qmul.ac.uk
Office Hour: no regular office hours at present. Please email me for an appointment.

My latest research is in stochastic processes. In particular, I have been studying processes relevant to cancer research, such as a mutation process and processes related to the Chinese Restaurant process. I have done a lot of research in probability and combinatorics, often regarding random combinatorial objects, including random graphs. Here is a list of my publications/preprints and my c.v.

Students may be interested in this website on careers in math, this +plus magazine , chalkdustmagazine, or the job adverts for mathematicians at Luchsinger Mathematics .

Here is another picture of me.


