No brain drain out of Germany?

life as a young scientist in Germany
source: Physik Journal 1, #3, p.27 (2002)
core personnel universities Germany/USA
scientific core personnel (full-time) at universities in Germany (left) and in the USA (right); black/grey: permanent; other colours: non-permanent
source: R.Kreckel, It would be a good idea (discussion of tenure track model for Germany), Forschung und Lehre 01/2013, p.10
scientific personnel in different countries; two bottom colours: non-permanent (yellow) / permanent (orange) research assistants
source: R.Kreckel, Zur Kooperation verpflichtet - Daten und Fakten zur universitaeren und ausseruniversitaeren Forschung, Forschung und Lehre 05/2009, p.328
statistics scientist positions 1 statistics scientist positions 2
scientific personnel in different countries; two bottom colours: non-permanent (red) / permanent (orange) research assistants
source: R.Kreckel, Habilitation vs. Tenure Track, Forschung und Lehre 01/2012, p.12
(nb: You may wish to compare the columns for Germany from 2005 and 2009.)

The list below represents German scientists I know, plus names added according to hints from some colleagues (thanks!). Consequently, this information is very incomplete and rather subjective. It may also be partially outdated, as I started this list about 10 years ago and cannot follow who is moving where (updates are welcome!). Furthermore, mainly scientists working on specific subjects were included. I intended to mainly cover people who got their positions within the past 20 years and mainly those who achieved a German habilitation or equivalent.
The purpose of this list is to present some facts concerning the current discussion of whether there is a `brain drain' of young scientists out of Germany. It might thus be understood as a comment on the point of view defended by many German officials that there is no brain drain at all; see the links included below.
Of course, this list is not intended to intimidate anybody! If your name appears on it, and you want to be removed/reduced to your initials, please send me a mail.  Amendments or corrections to this very preliminary list are also very welcome.
Remark: This list is severely outdated by now, last thorough update a long time ago... But the German academic system has not really changed (at least not to the better)! Pity for all young promising German scientists.

Some German scientists who got long-term or permanent academic positions abroad:
(particularly nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics, some in general theoretical physics, mathematics or philosophy, a few in other disciplines)

Markus Abel, Professor, Nancy, France
Gerold Baier, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Adrian Baule, Lecturer, London, UK
Oscar F. Bandtlow, Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, London, UK
Christian Beck, Professor in Applied Mathematics, London, UK
Stefanie Biedermann, Lecturer, Southampton, UK
Dankmar Boehning, Professor, Southampton, UK
Markus Buehler, Los Angeles, USA
Reinhold Bluemel, Professor in Physics, Connecticut, USA
Joachim Brand, Professor, Auckland, New Zealand
Evelyn Buckwar, Professor, Linz
Ralf Bundschuh, Associate Professor in Physics, Columbus/Ohio, USA
Uwe Burghaus, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, Fargo, USA
Paul Busch, Professor of Mathematics, York, UK
Karin Dahmen, Professor, Illinois, USA
Joern Davidsen, Associate Professor, Calgary, Canada
Gustav Delius, Mathematics, York, UK
Rainer Dietmann, Lecturer in Mathematics, London, UK
Thomas Dittrich, Professor, Bogota, Colombia
Holger Dullin, Associate Professor, Sydney, Australia
Jens Eggers, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Bristol, UK
Matthias Ehrgott, Professor, Lancaster, UK
Christian Elsholtz, Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, London, UK
Hans Fangohr, Professor, Southampton, UK
Thomas Fischbacher,
Lecturer in Engineering Physics, Southampton, UK
Ingo Fischer, Professor, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Christian von Faerber, Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Coventry, UK
Hans Fangohr, Senior Lecturer in Computing, Southampton, UK
Joerg Fliege, Professor, Southampton, UK
Chrstian Franzke, staff scientist, BAS, Cambridge, UK
Stefanie Gerke, Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, London, UK
Sven Gnutzmann, Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Nottingham, UK

Uwe Grimm, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Milton Keynes, UK
Stefan Groote, Professor, Tartu, Estonia
Heiko Grossmann, Lecturer in Statistics, London, UK
Andreas Grothey, Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh, UK
Jochen Guck, Lecturer, Cambridge, UK
Carsten Gundlach, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Southampton, UK
Ortwin Hess, Professor in Physics, London, UK
Dirk Helbing, Professor, Zuerich, Switzerland
Dirk Hennig, Lecturer, Portsmouth, UK
Michael Herrmann, Lecturer, Edinburgh, UK
Dirk Hundertmark, Associate Professor, Urbana-Champain, USA
Thomas Ihle, Assistant Professor in Physics, Fargo, USA
Ulrich D. Jentschura, Professor of Physics, Missouri, Rolla, USA
Christian Jung, Morelos, Mexico
Peter Jung, Professor, Ohio, USA
Wolfram Just, Reader in Applied Mathematics, London, UK
Michael Kastner, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Ulrich Keyser, Lecturer, Cambridge, UK
Rainer Klages, Reader in Applied Mathematics, London, UK
Benjamin Klopsch, Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, London, UK
Bernhard Koeck, Reader in Pure Mathematics, Southampton, UK
Andreas Krambeer, Switzerland
Bernd Krauskopf, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Auckland, New Zealand
Martin Kroeger, Professor, Zuerich, Switzerland
Daniela Kuehn, Professor, Birmingham, UK
Tobias Kuna, Lecturer, Reading, UK
Frank Kwasniok, Lecturer, Exeter, UK
Ulf Leonhardt, Professor in Theoretical Physics, St Andrews, UK
Detlef Lohse, Professor in Theoretical Physics, Enschede, The Netherlands
Wolfgang Lohsert, Professor in Physics, College Park, USA
Sven Leyffer, Argonne, USA
Stefan Luding, Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Jutta Luettmer-Strathman, Professor in Physics, Akron, USA
Karim Malik, Senior Lecturer, London, UK
Jens Markloff, Professor in Mathematical Physics, Bristol, UK
Sylvio May, Assistant Professor in Physics, Fargo, USA
Bernhard Mehlig, Professor, Goeteborg, Sweden
Thomas Michelitsch, Senior Researcher, Paris, France
Thomas Mueller, Professor in Pure Mathematics, London, UK
Jens Uwe Noeckel, Assistant Professor in Physics, Eugene, Oregon, USA
Brita Nucinkis, Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Southampton, UK
Frank Oertl, Senior Lecturer, Southampton, UK
Thomas Prellberg, Reader in Applied Mathematics, London, UK
Gunnar Pruessner, Lecturer, London, UK
Thorsten Ritz, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Irvine, California, USA
Rudolf Roemer, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, Warwick, UK
Bjoern Sandstede, Professor in Mathematics, Surrey, UK
Ruediger Schack, Professor in Mathematics, London, UK
Arnd Scheel, Professor, Minneapolis, USA
Henning Schomerus, Reader in Physics, Lancaster, UK
Frank Schweitzer, Professor, Zuerich, Switzerland
Martin Sieber, Reader in Applied Mathematics, Bristol, UK
Peter Sollich, Professor of Statistical Mechanics, London, UK
Jens Starke, Professor in Applied Mathematics, Lyngby, Denmark
Ole Steuernagel, Senior Lecturer, Hertfordshire, UK
Henning Struchtrup, Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Victoria, Canada
Bernd Sturmfeld, Professor, Berkeley, USA
Florian Theil, Associate Professor, Warwick, UK
Carsten Timm, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Kansas, USA
Christopher Voll, Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, Southampton, UK
Holger Waalkens, Associate Professor, Groningen, The Netherlands
Andreas Wacker, Professor, Lund, Sweden
Renate Wackerbauer, Assistant Professor in Physics, Fairbanks, USA
Andreas Waechter, Professor, Northwestern Uni, USA
Thomas Wagenknecht, Lecturer, Liverpool, UK
Alexander Wagner, Assistant Professor in Physics, Fargo, USA
Richard Wagner, Professor in International Banking, Southampton, UK
Stefan Weigert, Reader in Mathematical Physics, York, UK
Friedel Weinert, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Bradford, UK
Dietmar Weinmann, Directeur de Recherche, Strasbourg, France
Claudia Wulff, Reader in Mathematics, Surrey, UK

total number: 103

NB: In our School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London, currently 8 out of approx. 40 members of staff are Germans. Please check yourself other universities in UK for similar numbers.

Some German scientists who left the fundamental sciences (jobs in companies, schools, polytechnicals, etc.):

Hartmut Erzgraeber
Georg Foltin
Gregor Hackenbroich, Essen
Marcel Kanstedt, Dublin
Klaus Morawetz, Muenster
Arnulf Latz, Kaiserslautern
Holger Schanz, Goettingen
Gudrun Schlieker, Berlin
Thomas Schreiber, Stuttgart
Andreas Schuering, Leipzig
Guenter Troll

total number: 9

Some German scientists who got permanent academic positions in Germany:

Gernot Akemann, Professor, Bielefeld
Markus Baer, Professor, Berlin
Stefan Bornholdt, Professor, Bremen
Tobias Brandes, Professor, Berlin
Dirk Brockmann, Professor, Robert Koch Institut and Humboldt U. Berlin
Andreas Buchleitner, Professor, Freiburg

Andreas Deutsch, Dresden
Barbara Drossel, Professor, Darmstadt
Heike Emmerich, Professor, Bayreuth
Claudius Gross, Professor, Saarbruecken
Harald Engel, Professor, Berlin
Stefan Linz, Professor, Muenster
Ulrike Feudel, Professor, Oldenburg
Jan Freund, Oldenburg
Frank Grossmann, Dresden
Thomas Guhr, Professor, Duisburg
Florian Jarre, Duesseldorf
Holger Kantz, Professor, Dresden
Stefan Keppeler, akad. Rat, Tuebingen
Roland Ketzmerick, Professor, Dresden
Klaus Kroy, Professor, Leipzig
Christoph Kruelle, Professor, Karlsruhe
Eric Lutz, Professor, Erlangen-Nuernberg
Ralf Metzler, Professor, Munich
Roland Netz, Professor, Munich
Manfred Opper, Professor, TU Berlin
Martin Plenio, Professor, Ulm
Thorsten Poeschel, Professor, Bayreuth
Klaus Richter, Professor, Regensburg
Heiko Rieger, Professor, Saarbruecken
Gerhard Roehrle, Bochum
Erich Runge, Professor, Freital
Peter Schmelcher, Professor, Hamburg
Holger Stark, Professor, Berlin
Franz-Theo Suttmeier, Siegen
Uwe Thiele, Professor, Muenster, UK

total number: 36

that you might find interesting (most of them in German, sorry) - please judge yourself:

my own contributions:
When top scientists get upset, August 2019
report on public German TV in magazine `Frontal 21'
On Tuesday 24 February, the German television show Frontal 21, a current affairs programme not unlike the BBC’s Panorama,  broadcast a report about the difficult working environment experienced by many young scientists in Germany, which has led to many of them pursuing academic careers abroad. The School of Mathematical Sciences at QMUL, where 9 of its 49 academic staff members have German passports, was presented as an example. The report features interviews with Rainer Klages and Adrian Baule, and shows Rainer Klages lecturing in the Great Hall, as well as German staff members and PhD students celebrating brain drain by having a beer in the College's Senior Common Room Bar.
comment on article by German news magazine `Die Zeit': `Kommt heim!' from Sept. 2012 (no reply, not published)
Als Lecturer in Grossbritannien - ein Erfahrungsbericht, Physik Journal 5 (11), 24-25 (2006)
Brain drain anger (interview and article in `The Scientist')
comment on an article by `Spiegel online' (no reply, not published)

other contributions
`Educational' video of the German BMBF preparing young scientists for their scientific future in Germany. Enjoy! It started the movement `Ich bin Hanna'.
Unis bekennen sich zu befristeten Vertraegen - und ernten Kritik
Wo ist hier der Notausgang?
Glanz und Elend der Akademiker-Elite
Deutschlands Talente verlassen in Scharen das Land
Bund will Ausbeutung junger Forscher stoppen
"Gefangen im Kreislauf aus Druck, Zeitnot und Angst"
Professoren betreuen immer mehr Studenten
facebook group 25% akademische Juniorpositionen
Knochenjob Wissenschaft
Das promovierte Prekariat
Geldmangel an Unis vs. Wert der Bildung
webpage: Perspektive statt Befristung
blog von Markus A. Dahlem zur Hochschulpolitik
online petition: Perspektive statt Befristung - Für mehr feste Arbeitsplätze im Wissenschaftsbereich
Kampf um kluge Köpfe: Wissenschaftler wandern aus Deutschland ab
Aufstieg oder Ausstieg? Generation35+
It would be a good idea
Deutschland holt auf
Standort Deutschland ist attraktiv
Not macht erfinderisch
statistics about permanent scientific positions in different countries
`Inefficiency' of the German academic system
Enorm leidensfaehig (statistics 2010: from 236000 scientists at German universities 85% have no permanent position; the number of professorships has remained at 22000 over the past 10 years)
Forscher kehren trotz Heimweh nicht zurück
Wissenschaftler im Ausland: Holt uns zurück!
Fachkräftemangel: Rückkehr mit Hindernissen
Zu wenig Anreize: Wissenschaftler richten Wunschliste an Wulff
Vielzahl befristeter Stellen an Hochschulen kritisiert
Artikel zu "Building Bridges": Spitzenforscher für Deutschland, Spitzenforschung in Deutschland
Konferenz: `Building Bridges: Spitzenforscher für Deutschland, Spitzenforschung in Deutschland'
Abschied fuer immer oder auf Zeit?
Einen Pakt fuer den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs initiieren
Brain Drain - Brain Gain? conference of the `Toenissteiner Kreis'
Brain Drain - Abwanderung und Repatriierung
Aderlass der Hochschulphysik
Arbeitslose Akademiker: Plötzlich vor dem Nichts
Betreuungsrelation an deutschen Universitäten hat sich weiter verschlechtert
Scientific career in Germany: a risky job perspective
Risiko und Sicherheit - career perspectives (?) of young scientists in Germany
Zur Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses - after all, acknowledgement that there is a problem?
        Bleiben oder gehen?
scientific article about brain drain, see also A.Oswald's webpage for further research on this
German Scholars Organization
Jobs Rumor Mill (thanks to Thorsten Poeschel for the link)
Gegen den brain drain des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
not enough scientists in Germany
`most serious brain drain since 1954'
German scientists taking high school jobs
German universities compared internationally
1/4 of German researchers stay abroad
brain drain: open letter of German scientists in the US
this open letter: further discussed here
another statistics: no brain drain to the US
president of the Max Planck Society: no brain drain
Max Planck director: brain drain problem
`maintainbrains' initiative
Das Proletariat der Denker
Berlin verliert seine Forscher
3sat Artikel
article in `Die Zeit: `In German science, only professors and janitors make it onto permanent positions'
The Scientist
DFG report (note: according to this report I belong to the 85% of interrogated German scientist proving that there is no brain drain)
lost generation
letter Spektrum direkt
`Grosse Anfrage'  of a CDU member of parliament

responsible: Rainer Klages