Linear Algebra

Richard Kaye and Robert Wilson

Reviews | Ordering information | Errata


Linear algebra, by RW Kaye and RA Wilson, can be ordered from the Internet bookshop, or from the publishers, Oxford University Press at £28.00 paperback (ISBN 0198502370).


From the review in the Mathematical Gazette, March 1999:
`Familiarity is apt to dull the senses when reviewing mainstream texts such as this one, but make no mistake, this is a clearly and carefully written book that lecturers could easily lecture from and learners readily learn from: it merits a wide circulation.'

From the review in the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, July 1999:
`... this book can be strongly recommended.'


The following errors and misprints have already been found. If you have found any others, please email me: R.A.Wilson [At] qmul [Dot] ac [Dot] uk

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Last content update 19 June 2007.