R. A. Bailey: Teaching
In recent years I have taught the following courses at QMUL.
I have given several advanced short courses on Design of Experiments.
University of Aarhus (1985);
a two-week European Community Advanced Course in Statistics held at
Sète, France in 1991;
a one-week course for foresters and biometricians in Helsinki in 1992,
organized by the Finnish society for Biostatistics;
three weeks in Buenos Aires in 1992, training the graduate
statisticians working for the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia
two weeks at Universität Augsburg (1993);
a two-week international summer school at the University of
Jyväskyylä, Finland, in 1995;
- one week at the meeting of the Brasilian Region of the
International Biometric Society in Londrina, Parana, Brasil in July 2005;
- one week for PhD students in Swiss-speaking Switzerland in
September 2011;
- a minicourse at the meeting of the Brasilian Region of the
International Biometric Society in Piracicaba, Brasil in May 2012.
I was one of the three lecturers on the short course on
Design in Combinatorics and Statistics
for PhD students, sponsored by the London Mathematical Society and the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, held at Queen Mary
in September 2002.
In June 2012, Peter Cameron and I taught an intensive course on
eigenvalues and optimality
for the London Taught Course Centre.
In November 2013 I gave an intensive course on `Structures defined
by factors' at the Universidade de Beira Interior in Covilhã
in Portugal.
I have also given some short courses on Association Schemes.
- Combinatorics seminar, University of Queensland, August 2004;
- Seminario di Geometrio Combinatoria, Universita di Roma “La
Sapienza”, February–March 2005;
- University of Western Australia, January 2009.
Page maintained by
R. A. Bailey
Page updated 15/01/13