R. A. Bailey: home page
I am Professor Emerita of Statistics in the
School of Mathematical Sciences at
Queen Mary,
University of London.
The street address and phone and fax numbers are given
From September 1999 to August 2003 I was Head of School.
I retired at the end of September 2012.
I obtained a DPhil in Mathematics from the University of Oxford under
the supervision of Graham Higman. My thesis was about finite
permutation groups. I spent six years working in the Faculty of
Mathematics at the Open University. In the middle of that period I had a
post-doctoral research fellowship at Edinburgh University, where I
worked with Desmond Patterson of the Agricultural Research Council's
Unit of Statistics and converted myself into a statistician. I put my
new knowledge into practice in 10 years in the Statistics Department
Rothamsted Experimental Station. Following that I was Professor of
Mathematical Sciences at Goldsmiths' College, University of London,
before moving to my present position.
In June 2007, my colleagues held a
birthday conference
for me.
In July-August 2008 I was coorganizer of a
on the Design of Experiments
at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge. I was also coorganizer of
the six-month
on the Design and Analysis of Experiments held at INI from
July to December 2011.
I have served on the
British Combinatorial Committee, Council of the
London Mathematical Society,
the Research Section of the
Royal Statistical
the Committee of the
UK TeX Users' Group, the
Joint Mathematical Council, and the Council of the
International Biometric Society.
From November 2000 to November 2002
I was president of the
British Region
of the International Biometric Society.
My major research interest is in the design of experiments,
particularly those with one or more nuisance factors and in which the
treatment factors are qualitative. Some specific topics within that are
listed below.
Related to this are certain finite combinatorial objects (such as
Latin squares, incomplete block designs, association schemes) and
their automorphism groups.
Some specific topics
Collaboration with other scientists
Like most other statisticians, I devote part of my time to
collaborating with non-mathematical scientists. Recent topics include
abstraction in the drawing of maps,
the effect of plant spacing on insect populations,
the behaviour exhibited by groups of people playing computer games,
a cross-over grazing trial,
the consistency between different human assessors of
malnutrition in people,
two-phase variety trials,
ecology of river systems,
biodiversity in freshwater systems.
I also made a very modest mathematical contribution to some
air navigation software.
Seminars on the design of experiments are held on some Thursday
afternoons during term. See a list of
forthcoming talks.
my students.
Click here for details of recent
teaching at QMUL
and advanced courses elsewhere.
- Normal Linear Models, University of London, 1993. 141pp.
ISBN 07187 1176 9
- Surveys in Combinatorics, 1997,
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
338 pp.
ISBN 0 521 59840 0.
- Association Schemes: Designed Experiments, Algebra
and Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
ISBN 0 521 82446 X.
- Design of Comparative Experiments
(listed on Intute)
I do care about the public understanding of science, especially
statistics and mathematics. I was president of the Mathematical
Sciences section of the British Association for the Advancement of
Science from 1997 to 1998.
I was a contributor to the booklet
Making Sense of Statistics launched by
Sense About Science
on 29 April 2010.
This is linked to concern about pre-university education. I
contributed to the booklet A new level published by
Reform on 16 June 2009.
A photo
My vision of a university was succintly described by David L. Kirp,
writing in The Times Higher on 9 April 2004. It is
“the belief in
- a community of scholars and not a confederacy of self-seekers;
- the idea of openness and not ownership;
- the professor as a pursuer of truth and not an entrepreneur;
- the student as an acolyte whose preferences are to be formed, not
a consumer whose preferences are to be satisfied.”
I believe that university students should be able to be confident
that they are being taught by people who are immersed in the subject
in other ways than teaching. I collaborate with a range of scientists
on the design of their experiments and the analysis of their data, so
I teach Statistics. I still prove theorems in Combinatorics and
Algebra, so I also teach those subjects.
Another statement
In March 2012 I attended a conference held in Paris in honour of my
long-term statistical friend and colleague André Kobilinsky.
Here I reproduce, with permission, one of the slides in the opening
André, un vrai chercheur ...
Celui qui suit ses idées et non pas celles de la mode du jour.
Celui qui ne prend pas pour acquis ce qu'on lit dans les journaux
scientifiques mais s'attache à comprendre par lui-même.
Quelqu'un qui va jusqu'au bout de ce qu'il entreprend.
- Une belle citation de J. B. Denis, un de ses collègues de longue
“Avançant orthogonalement aux autres,
il accroît la dimension de nos espaces.
I find it hard to imagine a better tribute to a researcher.
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
Telephone: +44 20 7882 5517
Fax: +44 20 7882 7684
Email: r.a.bailey AT qmul DOT ac DOT uk
Send me a message
Page modified 18/01/13