Slides of my talks |
From here you can get copies of the slides from some talks I have given,
in PDF format.
Beamer presentations:
- Homogeneous Cayley objects (Algebra, combinatorics, dynamics and
applications, Belfast, September 2013):
screen version,
printer version
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups (Groups St Andrews 2013):
screen version,,
printer version
- Primitivity (Combinatorics, Algebra and More, July 2013):
screen version,
printer version
- Synchronization, graph homomorphisms and combinatorics (24th British
Combinatorial Conference, July 2013):
screen version,
printer version
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups (Novi Sad Algebraic Conference, June 2013) screen version, printer version
- Mathematics: the next generation (LMS-Gresham College lecture, May 2013):
screen version,
printer version
- Bases for structures and permutation groups (Babai60, Columbus,
24 March 2010): beamer version,
printable version
- Combinatorics of optimal design (BCC22, St Andrews, 6 July 2009):
beamer version,
printable version
(picture to follow)
- Some aspects of codes over rings (Design Theory and Applications, Galway,
3 July 2009):
beamer version,
printable version,
a photo
- Synchronization and homomorphisms (GCC09, Perth, 5 January 2009):
beamer version,
printable version
- Synchronization and permutation groups (4-ICC, Auckland, 15 December 2008):
beamer version,
printable version
- Algebraic aspects of chromatic roots (7th ANZMC, Christchurch, 8 December
beamer version,
printable version
- The profile of a relational structure (INI workshop on Combinatorial
and Probabilistic Inequalities, 24 June 2008):
beamer version,
printable version
- Sum-free sets and shift automorphisms (CICADA workshop, 20 May 2008):
beamer version,
printable version
- Cores, hulls and synchronization (ROGICS'08, Mahdia, Tunisia, 12 May
beamer version,
printable version
- A
Markov chain for certain triple systems (Newton Institute, Cambridge,
25 March 2008):
slides (a video of the talk is also available from the web page)
- From Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs,
designs and spaces, Ambleside, 25 August 2007:
beamer version,
printable version,
a photo
- Optimal designs and root systems, BCC, Reading, 13 July 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Oligomorphic permutation groups: growth rates and algebras, Gregynog
Mathematics Colloquium, 22 May 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Counting orbits on colourings and flows, Gregynog
Mathematics Colloquium, 23 May 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Derangements and p-elements in permutation groups, Group Theory
and Applications, Manchester, 14 February 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Sudoku: an alternative history, talk to the Archimedeans, 2 February 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Symmetry in mathematics and mathematics of symmetry, International
Symmetry Conference, Edinburgh, January 2007:
beamer version,
printable version
- Posets, homomorphisms and homogeneity,
Czech-Slovak Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and
Applications, 10 July 2006: beamer version,
printable version,
a photo
- The Rado graph and the Urysohn space,
Reading Combinatorics Conference, 18 May 2006:
beamer version,
printable version
- Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures,
Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Southampton, 19 April 2006:
beamer version,
printable version,
a photo
Four-to-a-page or "smallslides" format:
- Su Doku and mathematics, Induction lecture,
Queen Mary, September 2005
- Counting, structure and symmetry,
NZIMA/ACCMCC conference, December 2004
- The Rado graph and the Urysohn space, New
Zealand Mathematics Colloquium, December 2004
- Designs on the Web, Computer Science, Royal
Holloway, 26 October 2004
- Cyclic automorphisms of homogeneous
structures, EMS Joint Weekend, Prague, September 2004
- Finite geometry and permutation groups: some
polynomial links, Segre memorial meeting, Roma, June 2004
- Random Latin squares, RAND-APX, Oxford,
December 2003
- Permutations and codes, Bled, June 2003
- The countable homogeneous poset, Leeds,
April 2003
- How big is the symmetric group?, PGGT2002,
Birmingham, April 2002
- Polynomials associated with permutation groups,
matroids and codes
- Random strongly regular graphs?, COMB01,
Barcelona, September 2001
- Association schemes and permutation
groups, LMS Durham Symposium, July 2001
- Multi-letter Youden rectangles from quadratic
forms, British Combinatorial Conference, July 2001
- Elusive groups and the polycirculant
conjecture, Barcelona, February 2001.
- Orbits on n-tuples, Computation, Models
and Groups, Cambridge, January 2001.
- The random graph revisited (composite of talks
at Australian Mathematical Society meeting and European Congress of
Mathematics, July 2000)
- Codes, matroids and trellises
(Combinatorics2000, Gaeta, May 2000
- Quantum error correction (MathFIT meeting,
QMW, 5 April 2000)
- J. J. Seidel
(Seidel birthday meeting, Oisterwijk, August 1999)
- Permutations
(Erdös memorial conference, Budapest, July 1999)
- Some bridges between codes and designs
(23ACCMCC, Brisbane, July 1998)
- Some counting problems related to permutation
groups (FPSAC, Toronto, June 1998)
- Hamming and Golay, Fisher and Bose
(Reading colloquium, May 1998)
- An algebra related to enumeration
(CALCA, Oakland, May 1998)
- Discrete Mathematics in the undergraduate curriculum,
- Codes (London Mathematical Society Popular
Lecture, June-July 2001)
The "smallslides" format was created by Peter Kropholler.
Peter J. Cameron
8 July 2013