Here is a list of known misprints in the second edition (2008) of the book
Introduction to Algebra by Peter J. Cameron.
- Page 8, line 13: it is Axiom (2) that is contradicted, not Axiom (3).
(Thanks to Jessica Driver)
- Page 26, line 11: the denominator should be 5.40, not 40. (Thanks to
Jessica Driver)
- Page 36, line 25: "when elements of the domain are fed in."
- Page 239, last line: G should be g. (Thanks to Paolo Dini.)
- Page 240, line 9: Ω should be ω. (Again, thanks to Paolo Dini.)
- Page 265: the displayed formula for bn should
have a minus sign.
Please send me reports of
further misprints.
Peter J. Cameron
25 May 2012