Installing PSL-based Sheep etc under Linux ========================================== These instructions have been tested under Scientific Linux 5.2 and 5.5. It is highly probable but not certain they will run in other Linux flavours. Please report problems to me. 1. First download Reduce from I did this using the svn command described in the general installation instructions, i.e. svn co reduce-algebra I have not checked if the prepackaged versions work (Jan advises that he cannot recommend the prepackaged October 2010 version: several problems of importance to Sheep/classi were fixed later.) 2. In your reduce-algebra/trunk directory run ./configure --with-psl 3. To build Reduce you should now be able to just type make The files will be in reduce-algebra/trunk/pslbuild/i686-unknown-scientificlinux5.2 where i686-unknown-scientificlinux5.2 will be replaced by the combination of machine and OS type configure diagnoses for your system. I will call it XXX from now on 4. Now you need the Sheep source tree, which you can unpack from sheep.tar.gz. We refer to the 062 tree as rooted at sheep/062. First link sheep/062 to sheep/shp. Then link reduce-algebra/trunk/pslbuild/XXX/psl/bpsl to bpsl in sheep/062/psl . Link reduce-algebra/trunk/psl/bin/linux/sparsify to sheep/062/psl/sparsify . Then edit the directory names in sheep/062/psl/psl, sheep/062/psl/make-bare-psl and sheep/062/.pslrc to fit your system. Run source sheep/062/.pslrc Then, in sheep/062/psl run make-bare-psl If you have a file reduce-algebra/trunk/psl/bin/linux/.imago which Sheep expects to be absent when an extension .img is needed, the sparsify command in the makefile will fail You can simply do sparsify bare-psl.img separately of course. 5. If all is well, edit the directory names in sheep/062/.shprc to suit your system and do source sheep/062/.shprc [You may also want to use the more extensive possibilities of sheep/062/.shpmanrc. If so, edit the directories and choice of lisp system there and, e.g. add in a line set Lsp = $Lispsys:s/sl// Then do source sheep/062/.shpmanrc] Edit sheep/062/slsrc/psl/startlisp similarly. Check that LspDir in sheep/062/makefile says psl (if not, change it!) Then run make all (or just say make). This should make slisp, sheep, classi and stensor, but it may fail at the comparisons of log files, made to check that the build has worked correctly. This is because the comparator files may be from a different operating system etc. In that case run each of the makes separately e.g. cd clasrc/psl; make To make the Reduce/Sheep counterparts, source .reducerc and run make allr (with similar comments about possible failure). [Note: you may want to edit the makefiles called by the top level 'make' e.g. to call sparsify properly] 6. Modify the script sheep/bin/sheep to fit the file locations on your system. A sensible editor will ensure the other names of this file are transferred to the new file. The .shprc will have put this directory into your path so you should now be able to run (e.g.) classi by typing simply classi You may want to edit your sslisp.ini, ssheep.ini etc. For documentation on the various programs see sheep/doc. You may also find the part on Sheep etc in the book "Algebraic computing in general relativity (Proceedings of the first Brazilian school on computer algebra, vol 2)" ed. M.J. Rebou\c{c}as and W.L. Roque, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1994) helpful, if that is available to you Please let me know of any failures by the resulting versions of sheep. I have done some minimal tests on my own system (e.g. that schwar.crd runs fine in sheep, kerrnw.lor in classi, and identi.def in stensor) and others are done automatically by the make processes, but these are far from comprehensive. I have moved the whole reduce and sheep file trees to a separate system and checked the steps above work with those trees. File space issues ================= The reduce and sheep source trees contain much material that is not needed by a particular installation. For example, all csl files in both reduce and sheep can be removed from a psl installation; within the sheep file tree one can remove many old log files; if you do not intend to use stensor it can be deleted. And so on. It is very worthwhile to use sparsify on all images it you can: for example on the installation test system this step, done for the 8 images created, led to recovery of 67 Mb. Malcolm MacCallum June 2011