(Under development)
The external representation for block designs gives the implementor a great deal of choice about what to include when specifying a block design and its properties. Here we record our policies about what (and what not) to include in certain cases:
If the given block design is not a -design (with ), then
include the -wise point concurrences only for and (unless
there is just one point) . In both cases, the full preimage
should be given (which may be entire_domain). This policy
gives the replication number for each point and the pairwise point
concurrences. If the given block design is a -design (with ) then include the -wise point concurrences for
for which is a -design. Again, full preimages should be
given and they are all, of course, entire_domain.
Include the -wise block concurrences for and (unless there is
just one block) . In both cases, preimages should be collapsed to
preimage cardinalities. This policy gives the sizes of the blocks, the
number of blocks of each size, the sizes of the pairwise intersections
of blocks, and the number of pairs of blocks giving each intersection