- Abelian groups (PDF)
- Association schemes (HTML,
- Association schemes and permutation groups (PDF)
- Block designs (PDF)
- Block designs: Representations, automorphisms, duality
- Cayley graphs and coset diagrams (PDF)
- Chamber systems and buildings (PDF)
- Combinatorial and statistical design (PDF)
- Estimation and variance in block designs (PDF)
- Factorial designs and codes
- Galois fields (PDF)
- Groups (HTML, PDF)
- Hadamard matrices (PDF)
- Latin squares: Equivalence and equivalents (PDF)
- Latin squares in experimental design
- Linear codes
- Markov chains and random walks (HTML,
- Matroids (PDF)
- Pairwise balanced designs (PDF)
- Partially ordered sets (PDF)
- Permutation groups (PDF)
- Primitive permutation groups (PDF)
- Projective and affine planes (PDF)
- Projective and affine geometries
- Real symmetric matrices (PDF)
- Resolutions of the pair design, or 1-factorisations of complete graphs
- Square 2-designs (PDF)
- Systems of distinct representatives (HTML,