Unitary group U5(2)
Order = 13 685 760 =
Mult = 1.
Out = 2.
Robert Wilson's ATLAS page for U5(2) is available here.
U5(2): Length 113, 2-generator, 7-relator.
< x, y | x2 = y5 = (xy)11 = [x, y]3 = [x, y2]3 = [x, yxy]3 = [x, yxy2]3 = 1 >
Remark: x and y are R.A.Wilson's standard generators for U5(2).
The presentation is available in MAGMA code here. (This applies to the subgroups below too.)
Some subgroups:
- M1 = < x, yxy-1xy, y2xy-2xy2 > = 21+6:31+2:2A4 of order 82 944 and index 165.
- M2 = < x, yxyxy-2xy > = U4(2) x 3 of order 77 760 and index 176.
- H2 = < x, yxy-2xy, y2xy2 > = U4(2) x 3 of order 77 760 and index 176.
- H3 = < x, y2xy-2, y-2xy2, yxy-2xy > = U4(2) x 3 of order 77 760 and index 176.
- H4 = < x, y2xyxy-2 > = U4(2) of order 25 920 and index 528.
- M3 = < y, xyxy-2xyxy-2xy2xyx > = 24+4:(3 x A5) of order 46 080 and index 297. (The coset enumeration over this subgroup proceeds more smoothly if we include the redundant generator xy-1xy-1xyxyxyx.)
- M4 = < x, yxyxy-1 > = 34:S5 of order 9 720 and index 1 408.
x =
1 0 0 0 0
W 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0
w 0 0 0 1
y =
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
Hermitian form: B =
0 w 1 1 W
W 0 w 1 1
1 W 0 w 1
1 1 W 0 w
w 1 1 W 0
These matrices are taken over the field F = GF(4) = { 0, 1, w, W } where W = w2 = w+1.
The above matrices and form are available in MAGMA format here. The generators also come in MeatAxe format as x and y .
U5(2):2: Length ??, ?-generator, ?-relator.
None yet available.

Last updated 25th August, 1997
John N. Bray