Linear group L3(3)
Order = 5 616 = 24.33.13.
Mult = 1.
Out = 2.
Robert Wilson's ATLAS page for L3(3) is available here.
L3(3): Length 71, 2-generator, 4-relator.
< x, y | x2 = y3 = (xy)13 = ((xy)4xy-1)2xyxyxy-1xy-1xyxy-1xy-1xyxyxy-1 = 1 >
Remark: CMY-presentation 5.1. We have that [x, y] has order 4. x and y are R.A.Wilson's standard generators for L3(3).
L3(3): Length 79, 2-generator, 5-relator.
< x, y | x2 = y3 = (xy)13 = [x, y]6 = (xyxyxy-1xy-1)3 = 1 >
Remark: CMY-presentation 5.2.

Last updated 16th July, 1997
John N. Bray