)}&@^ {;`?@ (`@,( ^{?}# $`{+^ `;#:^ ,(`@? }#`:^ ;[^`= ){*`! }#@`{ %^.[: ^;;)@ ){{#+ !^:;? }#={} ,;}+^ @(){* `!}#@ )@!#@ ,(^{? }#$`{ {}@+^ `;#:^ )@,(^ {?}#$ `{{}@ ^.[:^ ;;)@) {{#+! ^:;?} #:={} ,_^%* ^);}& `+^`* :^`{% #{;`@ );&`$ @}:?= ){%.. Second of the substitution ciphers in the notes. Clues: -- The .. is padding, and the padding symbol is x. -- Both occurences of . in the real text are preceeded by ^, and ex is the most common digram of type *x. Also ex usually commences a word. -- The sequence ex[:e;; or ^.[:^;; could be express; this sequence occurs twice. exited d-... for anyone?