Dr. Juan A. Valiente Kroon




9. MJ Cole & JA Valiente Kroon. A geometric invariant characterising initial data for the Kerr-Newman spacetime. Available at arXiv:1609.05129[gr-qc]

10. E. Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon. Zero rest-mass fields and Newman-Penrose constants on flat space. Available at arXiv: 1608.05716[gr-qc]

11. A Alho, F C Mena & JA Valiente Kroon. The Einstein-Klein-Gordon-Friedrich system and the non-linear stability of scalar field cosmologies. Available at arXiv:1006.3778[gr-qc]

Articles in peer reviewed journals

16. E Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon. Perturbations of the asymptotic region of the Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime. Ann. H. Poincaré. Online first (2017). Available at arXiv:1506.00030[gr-qc]

  1. 17.D Pugliese & JA Valiente Kroon. On the ideal spherically symmetric Einstein-charged perfect fluid. Gen. Rel. Grav. 48, 74 (2016). Available at arXiv:1410.1335[astro-ph.HE]

  2. 18.MJ Cole & JA Valiente Kroon. Killing spinors as a characterisation of rotating black hole spacetimes. Class. Quantum Grav. 33, 125019 (2016). Available at arXiv;1601.04666[gr-qc]

  3. 19.T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon.  A formalism for the calculus of variations with spinors. J. Math. Phys. 57, 022502 (2016). Available at arXiv:1505.03770[gr-qc]

  4. 20.10. E Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon.  Spinorial wave equations and the stability of the Milne Universe. Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 18502 (2015). Available at arXiv:1407.3317[gr-qc]   

  5. 21. C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. On the conformal structure of the extremal Reissner-Nordström spacetime. Class. Quantum Grav. 31, 175015 (2014). Available at arXiv:1308.1325[gr-qc].

  6. 22. T MacManus, JA Valiente Kroon, S Hoaxley & Y Hao. Illusion and cloaking devices for surface waves. Sci. Rep. (Nature) 4, 5977 (2014).

  7. 23.C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. Spherically sysmmetric anti-de Sitter-like Einstein-Yang-Mills spacetimes. Phys. Rev. D 90, 024021 (2014) Available at arXiv:1403.2885[gr-qc].

  8. 24.C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. A class of conformal curves in the Reissner-Nordström spacetime. Ann. H. Poincaré 15, 1327 (2014). Also available at arXiv:1301.5458[gr-qc]

  9. 25.D Pugliese & JA Valiente Kroon. On the evolution equations for a self-gravitating charged scalar field. Gen. Rel. Grav. 45, 1247 (2013). Also available at arXiv:1301.0461[gr-qc]

  10. 26. C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. A conformal approach for the analysis of the non-linear stability of pure radiation cosmologies. Ann. Phys. 328, 1-25 (2013). Available at arXiv:1111.4691[gr-qc]

  11. 27. D Pugliese & JA Valiente Kroon. On the evolution equations for ideal magnetohydrodynamics in curved spacetime. Gen. Rel. Grav. 44, 2785-2810 (2012). Available at arXiv:1112.1525[gr-qc]

  12. 28. T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. Constructing “non-Kerrness” on compact domains. J. Math. Phys. 53, 042503 (2012). Available at arXiv:1111.6019[gr-qc]

  13. 29. C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. The extended Conformal Einstein field equations with matter: the Einstein-Maxwell field.  J. Geom. Phys. 62, 1548-1570 (2012). Available at arXiv1102.2399[gr-qc]

  14. 30. JA Valiente Kroon. Asymptotic simplicity and static data. Ann. Henri Poincaré 13, 363-397 (2012).  Available at arXiv:1011.6600[gr-qc]

  15. 31. AE Aceña & JA Valiente Kroon. Conformal extensions for stationary spacetimes. Class. Quantum Grav. 28,  225023 1-37 (2011). Available at arXiv1103.0387[gr-qc]

  16. 32. T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. The “non-Kerness” of domains of outer communication of black holes and exteriors of stars. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 467, 1701-1718 (2011). Available at arXiv:1010.2421[gr-qc]

  17. 33. T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. Approximate twistors and positive mass. Class. Quantum Grav. 28, 075010 1-19 (2011). Also available at arXiv:1011.3712 [gr-qc]

  18. 34. T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. On the construction of a geometric invariant measuring the deviation from Kerr data. Ann. Henri Poincaré 11, 1225-1271 (2010). Available at arXiv:1005.0743[gr-qc]

  19. 35. C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. A stability result for purely radiative spacetimes. J. Hyp. Diff. Eqns. 7, 545-579 (2010). Available at arXiv:0910.4073[gr-qc]

  20. 36. JA Valiente Kroon. A rigidity property of asymptotically simple space-times arising from conformally flat data. Comm. Math. Phys. 298, 673-706 (2010). Available at arXiv:0906.4714[gr-qc]

  21. 37. T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. A geometric invariant measuring the deviation from Kerr data. Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 231102 (2010). Available at arXiv:1001.4492[gr-qc]

  22. 38. JA Valiente Kroon. Regularity conditions at spatial infinity revisited. Ann. Henri Poincaré 10, 623-671 (2009). Also available at arXiv:0807.2507[gr-qc]

  23. 39. C Lü̈bbe & J A Valiente Kroon. On de Sitter-like and Minkowski-like spacetimes. Class. Quantum Grav. 26, 145012 1 to 26 (2009). Also available at arXiv:0903.3899[gr-qc]

  24. 40. JA Valiente Kroon. Estimates for the Maxwell field near the spatial and null infinity of the Schwarzschild spacetime. J. Hyp. Diff. Eqns. 6, 229- 268 (2009). Available at arXiv:0802.4145[gr-qc]

  25. 41. A García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo & J A Valiente Kroon. Kerr initial data. Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 205018 1-19 (2008). Also available at arXiv:0805.4505[gr-qc]

  26. 42. A García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo & J A Valiente Kroon. Killing spinor initial data. J. Geom. Phys. 58, 1186-1202 (2008). Also at arXiv:0712.3373[gr-qc]

  27. 43. JA Valiente Kroon. The Maxwell field on the Schwarzschild spacetime: behaviour near spatial infinity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 463, 2609-2630 (2007). Also at gr-qc/0703147

  28. 44. JA Valiente Kroon. Asymptotic properties of the development of conformally flat data near spatial infinity. Class. Quantum Grav. 24, 3037-3054 (2007). Also at gr-qc/0701166

  29. 45. A García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo & J A Valiente Kroon. Initial data for the Schwarzschild spacetime. Phys. Rev. D. 75, 024027/1-14 (2007). Also at gr-qc/0609100

  30. 46. JA Valiente Kroon. On smoothness asymmetric null infinities. Class. Quantum Grav. 23, 3593-3606 (2006). Also at gr-qc/0605056

  31. 47. JA Valiente Kroon. Characterization of Schwarzschildean initial data. Phys. Rev. D 72, 084003/1-11 (2005). Also at gr-qc/0504003

  32. 48. JA Valiente Kroon. Time asymmetric spacetimes near null and spatial infinity. II. Expansions of developments of initial data sets with non- smooth conformal metrics. Class. Quantum Grav. 22, 1683-1707 (2005). Also at gr-qc/041204

  33. 49. JA Valiente Kroon. Time asymmetric expansions near null and spatial infinity. I. Expansions of developments of conformally flat data. Class. Quantum Grav. 22, 5457-5493 (2004). Also at gr-qc/0408062

  34. 50. JA Valiente Kroon. Does asymptotic simplicity allow for radiation near spatial infinity? Comm. Math. Phys 251, 211-234 (2004). Also at gr- qc/0309016

  35. 51. JA Valiente Kroon. Asymptotic expansions of the Cotton-York tensor on slices of stationary spacetimes. Class. Quantum Grav. 21, 3237-3249 (2004). Also at gr-qc/0402033

  36. 52. JA Valiente Kroon. On the nonexistence of conformally flat slices in the Kerr and other stationary spacetimes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 041101/1-4 (2004). Also at gr-qc/0310048

  37. 53. JA Valiente Kroon. A new class of obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity. Comm. Math. Phys. 244, 133-156 (2004). Also at gr- qc/0211024

  38. 54. R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. The Newtonian limit of spacetimes describing uniformly accelerated particles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. 460, 995-1016 (2004). Also at gr-qc/0208074

  39. 55. JA Valiente Kroon. Early radiative properties of the developments of time symmetric, conformally flat initial data. Class. Quantum Grav. 20, L53-60 (2003). Also at gr-qc/0206050

  40. 56. S Dain & J A Valiente Kroon. Conserved quantities in a black hole collision. Class. Quantum Grav. 19, 811-816 (2002). Also at gr-qc/0105109

  41. 57. JA Valiente Kroon. Can one detect a non-smooth null infinity? Class. Quantum Grav. 18, 4311-4316 (2001). Also at gr-qc/0108049

  42. 58. JA Valiente Kroon. On the existence and convergence of polyhomogeneous expansions of zero-rest-mass fields. Class. Quantum Grav. 17, 4365-4376 (2000). Also at gr-qc/0005087

  43. 59. R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. Boost-rotation symmetric type D radiative metrics in Bondi coordinates. Phys. Rev D 62 084033/1-10 (2000). Also at gr-qc/0003050

  44. 60. JA Valiente Kroon. Polyhomogeneity and zero-rest-mass fields with applications to Newman-Penrose constants. Class. Quantum Grav. 17, 605-621 (2000). Also at gr-qc/9907097

  45. 61. JA Valiente Kroon. On Killing vector fields and Newman-Penrose constants. J. Math. Phys. 41, 898-923 (2000). Also at gr-qc/9903093

  46. 62. JA Valiente Kroon. A Comment on the Outgoing Radiation Condition and the Peeling Theorem. Gen. Rel. Grav. 31, 1219-1224 (1999). Also at gr-qc/9811034

  47. 63. JA Valiente Kroon. Logarithmic Newman-Penrose constants for arbitrary polyhomogeneous spacetimes. Class. Quantum Grav. 16, 1653-1665 (1999). Also at gr-qc/9812004

  48. 64. JA Valiente Kroon. Conserved Quantities for polyhomogeneous space- times. Class. Quantum Grav. 15, 2479-2491 (1998). Also at gr- qc/980509

Conference proceedings

  1. 65.C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. The conformal Einstein field equations for trace-free perfect fluids. Proceedings of the conference Relativity and Gravitation: 100 years after Einstein in Prague (2012)

  2. 66.T Bäckdahl & JA Valiente Kroon. How to measure deviation from Kerr initial data —recent progress. Proceedings of the conference Relativity and Gravitation: 100 years after Einstein in Prague (2012)

  3. 67. JA Valiente Kroon & C Lübbe. A class of conformal curves on spherically symmetric spacetimes. Proceedings of the conference Relativity and Gravitation: 100 years after Einstein in Prague (2012)

  4. 68. C Lübbe & JA Valiente Kroon. A conformal approach for the analysis of the non-linear stability of radiation cosmologies. Oberwolfach Report No. 37 on the meeting on Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity (2012)

  5. 69. A Alho, FC Mena & JA Valiente Kroon. On the non-linear stability of scalar field cosmologies. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 314, 012099/1-4 (2011). Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010

  6. 70. JA Valiente Kroon. Geometric invariants for initial data sets: analysis, exact solutions, computer algebra, numerics. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 314, 012016/1-8 (2011). Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010

  7. 71. A García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo & JA Valiente Kroon. Kerr initial data. In the proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2008. AIP Conf. Proc. 1122, 276-279 (2009)

  8. 72. R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. The Newtonian limit of spacetimes describing uniformly accelerated particles. Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. M. Novello, S. Perez-Bergliaffa and R. Ruffini editors. Part C, 1953-1956. World Scientific (2005)

  9. 73. JA Valiente Kroon. A new class of obstructions to the smoothness of null infinity. Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. M. Novello, S. Perez-Bergliaffa and R. Ruffini editors. Part C, 1838-1841. World Scientific (2005)

  10. 74. JA Valiente Kroon. The smoothness of null infinity: its relevance for numerical relativity. Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity. M. Novello, S. Perez-Bergliaffa and R. Ruffini editors. Part C, 1613-1615. World Scientific (2005)

  11. 75. R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. The Newtonian limit of boost-rotation symmetric spacetimes. in Gravitation and Cosmology, Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting, Maó, Spain, 2002. pp 267-271. Eds. A. Lobo, F. Fayos, J. Garriga, E. Gaztañaga, E. Verdaquer, Pubicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona (2003)

  12. 76. R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. On radiative properties of boost-rotation symmetric type D spacetimes. In Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism, Proceedings of the XXIII Spanish Relativity Meeting, pp 327. J. F. Pascual-Sánchez, L. Floría, A. San Miguel & F. Vicente, eds. World Scientific (2001)

  13. 77. JA Valiente Kroon. On Killing vectors and Bondi expansions. In Recent Developments in Gravitation. Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting. ERE-99, pp 325. J. Ibáñez, editor. Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco (2000)

Educational articles

  1. 78.JA Valiente Kroon. Some current topics on mathematical General Relativity. In the 2008 issue of the IOP’s Gravity Group Newsletter

  2. 79.R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. Ondas Gravitatorias (in Spanish). Mex. J. Phys. (education) 49, 384-390 (2003)

  3. 80.R Lazkoz & J A Valiente Kroon. Grabitatsiouhinak (in Basque). Ekaia 16 59-71 (2003) —edited by the School of Sciences of the University of the Basque Country, EHU-UPV


12. JA Valiente Kroon. Conformal methods in General Relativity. Cambridge University Press (2016).

Chapters in books

13. JA Valiente Kroon. Mathematical problems of General Relativity. In LTCC Advanced Mathematical Series. Volume 6: Analysis and Mathematical Physics.  Imperial College Press. To appear in 2017.

14.  JA Valiente Kroon. Polyhomogeneous expansions near spacelike and null infinity. In The Conformal Structure of Spacetimes. Geometry, Analysis, Numerics. Chapter 7, pp 135-160. J Frauendiener & H Friedrich eds. Springer Verlag (2002). Also at gr-qc/0202001

Topical reviews

15. JL Jaramillo, JA Valiente Kroon & E Gourgoulhon. From Geometry to Numerics: interdisciplinary aspects in mathematical and numerical relativity. Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 093001-1 to 66 (2008). Also available at arXiv:0712.2332[gr-qc]

In preparation

  1. 1. E Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon. Global evaluations of static black holes. In preparation

  2. 2. A García-Parrado, E Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon. Conformal geodesics in spherically symmetric vacuum spacetimes with Cosmological constant.

  3. 3.E Gasperín & JA Valiente Kroon. Conformal properties of the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime.

  4. 4.A E Hursit & JA Valiente Kroon. Conformal wave equations for the Einstein field equations with tracefree matter.

  5. 5. MJ Cole, I Racz & JA Valiente Kroon. Killing spinor data on non-expanding horizons and the uniqueness of the Kerr spacetime.

  6. 6. JL Williams & JA Valiente Kroon. Dain’s invariant on non-time symmetric initial data sets.

  7. 7. JL Williams & JA Valiente Kroon. The conformal constraint equations as an evolution system.

  8. 8. DA Carranza & JA Valiente Kroon. Construction of vacuum anti de Sitter-like spacetimes using the metric conformal field equations: the vacumm case.