Dr. Juan A. Valiente Kroon
Dr. Juan A. Valiente Kroon
Research in pairs grant with Dr. J. L. Jaramillo. The London Mathematical Society.
Principal investigator: Dr. JA Valiente Kroon
Duration: 11/2014
This grant provided funding for a visit of a collaborator with the purpose of analysing boundary conditions for the Witten equation and related spinorial elliptic equations which could lead to a proof og the Penrose inequality.
Research in pairs grant with Dr. A. García-Parrado. The London Mathematical Society.
Principal investigator: Dr. JA Valiente Kroon
Duration: 11/2012
This grant provided funding for a visit of a collaborator with the purpose of analysing a class of conformally privileged curves in vacuum spacetimes with Cosmological constant. The results of the analysis are the first step in an approach to the global evaluation by both analytical and numerical means of spacetimes describing black holes in a Cosmological setting.
Isotropic singularities and its evolution. Leverhulme Trust research project grant.
Principal investigator: Dr. JA Valiente Kroon
Co-applicant: Prof. MAH MacCallum
Duration: 9/2008 – 8/2010
The objective of this project was to make use of conformal methods to analyse isotropic singularities and the physical standing of Penrose’s Weyl tensor conjecture. This conjecture states that the Big Bang singularity is characterised by the fact that part of the curvature associated to the free gravitational field (the Weyl tensor) vanishes. This conjecture has close connections with the elusive notion of entropy of the gravitational field. Funding was provided to pay a postdoctoral research assistant, research material consumables and travel costs.
Conformal properties of spacetime. EPSRC Advanced Research fellowship.
Principal investigator: Dr. JA Valiente Kroon
Duration: 10/2005 – 9/2010
The objective of this project was to undertake a rigorous assessment of the basic tenets of the theory of isolated systems in General Relativity. This analysis relied on the use of conformal methods to make statements of the structure of spacetime in the large. Particular attention was given to the structure of spatial infinity. Funding was provided to pay the salary of the principal investigator for a period of 5 years, research material, consumables and travel costs.
Conformal transport equations at spatial infinity. Lise Meitner fellowship, FWF Austria.
Principal investigator: Dr. JA Valiente Kroon
Duration of the project: 2/2003 – 1/2005
The objective of this project was to make use of analytic and computer algebra methods to analyse the structure of spacetimes describing isolated systems in the neighbourhood of spatial infinity. This analysis is of importance to set on a firm footing the theory of isolated systems in General Relativity and to assess the physical content of Penrose’s notion of asymptotic simplicity. This notion attempts to provide a geometric and coordinate independent characterisation of isolated systems. Funding was provided to pay the salary of the principal investigator for a period of 2 years, research material and travel costs.
Asymptotic properties of spacetimes. PhD grant, CONACYT Mexico
Principal investigator: JA Valiente Kroon
Duration of the project: 9/1996 – 8/2000
The objective of this project was to investigate the properties of a general setting for the discussion of isolated systems in General Relativity. Special attention was paid to possible conserved quantities defined at null infinity and to radiative properties of the spacetime. Funding was provided for 4 years of study and tuition fees.