Mathematics Research Centre, Queen Mary Department of Mathematics, Brunel University


Monthly Colloquia

Date and time: 11 January 2002, 16:30

Location: Room G2, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary

Speaker: Prof. M. Kus (Warsaw)

"Random matrix theory and energy level dynamics"

Abstract: Random matrix theory proved to be extremely useful in description and investigation of spectral properties of quantum chaotic systems. Parametric level dynamics is an attempt to understand various links between spectra of such systems and random matrices in the framework of statistical mechanics of a fictitious one-dimensional gas of interacting particles. I will review the geometric origin of the Hamiltonian formulation of level dynamics for various classes of quantum systems - autonomous and periodically driven, conservative and dissipative, pointing out achievements and difficulties of such an approach to justification of applicability of the random matrix to quantum chaotic phenomena.