Colloquia: "Random Matrices and Related Topics"

Date and time: 30 May 2001, 16:30

Venue: Room G2, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London

Speaker: Dr. R. Janik (Krakow)

"Non-Hermitian random matrices"

Abstract: In this talk we study nonhermitian random matrices, and derive certain effective methods for calculating the density of eigenvalues in the large N limit, and also some specific information on eigenvector properties. First we give a brief introduction to diagrammatic methods for hermitian random matrices, the relation of this framework with the addition theorem of Voiculescu in Free Probability Theory. Then we show that these methods fail to give full information for nonhermitian random matrices, and proceed to develop an appropriate generalization. In addition we derive the form of addition law which works for nonhermitian matrices.