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Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Articles in online magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc.

Talks and media appearances

Open Letters and other public documents

Below is a selection of open letters, consultation responses, or similar documents that I have signed. Note: All signatures by me in the letters and responses below are in an individual capacity and do not represent my employer. A (*) in front indicates that I was the main author.

  • (*) Letter concerning the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill, December 2022.

    [This is an important letter. It was written when the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Bill was passing through parliament and a key provision of the bill (the statutory tort) had just been removed by the House of Lords in December 2022. I drafted this letter and organized signatures from several mathematicians. Addressed to Claire Coutinho, the UK minister who was in charge of this bill, our letter described the precarious state of free speech on campus and argued for the reinstatement of the statutory tort. The letter received a fair amount of publicity including coverage in the Telegraph. The minister replied back to us in January 2023 affirming her commitment to academic freedom and inviting me to meet with her. I met the minister shortly afterwards and we discussed the bill and several key issues relating to academic freedom. I also exchanged several additional letters (not included here) with her over the next couple of months about the potential course of the Bill and other free speech issues. In February 2023, Ms Coutinho reinstated the statutory tort to the Bill in full, citing her conversations with leading academics, and navigated the Bill successfully through some choppy waters over the next couple of months. In a landmark event, the Bill was agreed to by both houses on 10th May 2023 and received Royal Assent the next day, thus becoming the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023.]

This is my personal website. The views expressed on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my current or previous employers.