List of publications:
- Loopy Levy flights enhance tracer diffusion in active suspensions, K. Kanazawa, T. G. Sano, A. Cairoli, and A. Baule
Nature 579, 364 (2020)
- Optimal Random Deposition of Interacting Particles, A. Baule
Physical Review Letters 122, 130602 (2019)
- Weak Galilean invariance as a selection principle for coarse-grained diffusive models, A. Cairoli, R. Klages, and A. Baule
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 5714 (2018)
- Edwards statistical mechanics for jammed granular matter, A. Baule, F. Morone, H. Herrmann, and H. A. Makse
Reviews of Modern Physics 90, 015006 (2018)
- Shape universality classes in the random sequential adsorption of non-spherical particles, A. Baule
Physical Review Letters 119, 028003 (2017)
- Feynman-Kac equation for anomalous processes with space- and time-dependent forces, A. Cairoli and A. Baule
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 164002 (2017)
Invited contribution to the J. Phys. A special issue: emerging talents
- Gaussian white noise as a resource for microscopic engines, A. Dechant, A. Baule, and S. Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 95, 032132 (2017)
- Interplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions, F. Battiston, A. Cairoli, V. Nicosia, A. Baule, and V. Latora
Physica D 323-324, 12 (2016)
- Anomalous Processes with General Waiting Times: Functionals and Multi-Point StructureA. Cairoli and A. Baule
Physical Review Letters 115, 110601 (2015)
- Adhesive loose packings of small dry particles, W. Liu, S. Li, A. Baule, and H. A. Makse
Soft Matter 11, 6492 (2015)
- Langevin formulation of a subdiffusive continuous-time random walk in physical time, A. Cairoli and A. Baule
Review E 92, 012102 (2015)
- Fundamental challenges in packing problems: from spherical to non-spherical particles, A. Baule and H. A. Makse
Soft Matter 10, 4423 (2014). Highlight article & journal cover.
- Calculation of the Voronoi boundary for lens-shaped particles
and spherocylinders, L. Portal, M. Danisch, A. Baule, R. Mari, and H. A. Makse
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, P11009 (2013)
- Weak-noise limit of a piecewise-smooth stochastic differential equation, Y. Chen, A. Baule, H. Touchette, and W. Just
Physical Review E 88, 052103 (2013)
- Mean-field theory of random close packings of axisymmetric
particles, A. Baule, R. Mari, L. Bo, L. Portal, and H. A. Makse
Communications 4, 2194 (2013)
- Rectification of asymmetric
surface vibrations with dry friction: An exactly solvable model, A. Baule and P. Sollich
Review E 87, 032112 (2013)
- Singular features in
noise-induced transport with dry friction, A. Baule and P. Sollich
97, 20001 (2012)
- Stick-Slip motion of solids with dry friction subject to
random vibrations and an external field, A. Baule, H. Touchette, and E. G. D. Cohen
24, 351 (2011)
- Statistical mechanics far from equilibrium: prediction and
test for a sheared system, R. M. L. Evans, R. A. Simha, A. Baule, and P. D. Olmsted
Review E 81, 051109 (2010)
- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of shear flow:
quantities and current relations, A. Baule and R. M. L. Evans
of Statistical Mechanics, P03030 (2010)
- A path integral approach to random motion with nonlinear
friction, A. Baule, E. G. D. Cohen, and H. Touchette
of Physics A 43, 025003 (2010)
- Steady-state work fluctuations of a dragged particle under
external and thermal noise, A. Baule and E. G. D. Cohen
Review E 80, 011110 (2009)
- Fluctuation properties of an effective nonlinear system
subject to Poisson noise, A. Baule and E. G. D. Cohen
Review E 79, 030103(R) (2009)
- Invariant quantities in shear flow, A. Baule and R. M. L. Evans
Review Letters 101 240601 (2008)
- Exact solution of a Brownian inchworm model for
self-propulsion, A. Baule, K. Vijay Kumar, and S. Ramaswamy
of Statistical Mechanics P11008 (2008)
- Properties of a nonequilibrium heat bath, Aditi Simha, R. M. L. Evans, and A. Baule
Review E 77, 031117 (2008)
- Two-point correlation function of the fractional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
Letters 79, 60004 (2007)
- A fractional diffusion equation for two-point probability
distributions of a continuous-time random walk, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
Europhysics Letters 77, 10002 (2007)
- Validation of the Jarzynski relation for a system with
thermal coupling: An isothermal ideal gas model, A. Baule, R. M. L. Evans, and P. D. Olmsted
Review E 74, 061117 (2006)
- Exact solution of a generalized Kramers-Fokker-Planck
retaining retardation effects, R. Friedrich, F. Jenko, A. Baule, and S. Eule
Review E 74, 041103 (2006)
- Anomalous Diffusion of Inertial, Weakly Damped Particles, R. Friedrich, F. Jenko, A. Baule, and S. Eule
Review Letters 96, 230601 (2006)
- Investigation of a generalized Obukhov model for
turbulence, A. Baule and R. Friedrich
Letters A 350, 167 (2006)
- Joint probability distributions for a class of non-Markovian processes,
A. Baule and R. Friedrich
Review E 71, 026101 (2005)
- Lagrangian Particle Statistics in Turbulence, R. Friedrich and A. Baule
Phenomena in Complex Systems 5, 342 (2002)
Book chapters
- Exact relations in driven stochastic systems. PhD
University of Leeds (2008). Thesis advisor: R. M. L. Evans.
- Non-Markovian models for the Lagrangian particle
of turbulent flows. Diplom thesis (in German), University of
Münster (2004). Thesis advisor: R. Friedrich.